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Proofgold Signed Transaction

PrCit../bad4c.. 3.82 bars
TMYdo../78b7c.. ownership of 5f4d4.. as prop with payaddr Pr4zB.. rights free controlledby Pr4zB.. upto 0
TMdK5../86e52.. ownership of a1719.. as prop with payaddr Pr4zB.. rights free controlledby Pr4zB.. upto 0
TMWkE../f376d.. ownership of 9379b.. as prop with payaddr Pr4zB.. rights free controlledby Pr4zB.. upto 0
TMNiU../5f1d9.. ownership of 8e3d5.. as prop with payaddr Pr4zB.. rights free controlledby Pr4zB.. upto 0
TMEk8../4e006.. ownership of fa851.. as prop with payaddr Pr4zB.. rights free controlledby Pr4zB.. upto 0
TMbbq../a88f3.. ownership of 7d6f7.. as prop with payaddr Pr4zB.. rights free controlledby Pr4zB.. upto 0
TMKuU../3384c.. ownership of aafc6.. as prop with payaddr Pr4zB.. rights free controlledby Pr4zB.. upto 0
TMEs9../8b9b0.. ownership of 6479a.. as prop with payaddr Pr4zB.. rights free controlledby Pr4zB.. upto 0
TMLJE../a6b39.. ownership of 7410a.. as prop with payaddr Pr4zB.. rights free controlledby Pr4zB.. upto 0
TMGSJ../9a2a4.. ownership of 185e9.. as prop with payaddr Pr4zB.. rights free controlledby Pr4zB.. upto 0
TMFbS../f05dd.. ownership of 2bb23.. as prop with payaddr Pr4zB.. rights free controlledby Pr4zB.. upto 0
TMRZr../52f85.. ownership of 5058d.. as prop with payaddr Pr4zB.. rights free controlledby Pr4zB.. upto 0
TMNKk../a5c4e.. ownership of c0b4c.. as prop with payaddr Pr4zB.. rights free controlledby Pr4zB.. upto 0
TMZ3X../1411a.. ownership of 591f6.. as prop with payaddr Pr4zB.. rights free controlledby Pr4zB.. upto 0
TMXNo../ef157.. ownership of 7132f.. as prop with payaddr Pr4zB.. rights free controlledby Pr4zB.. upto 0
TMXaB../043fa.. ownership of a2d5a.. as prop with payaddr Pr4zB.. rights free controlledby Pr4zB.. upto 0
TMWEN../af21b.. ownership of 7045e.. as prop with payaddr Pr4zB.. rights free controlledby Pr4zB.. upto 0
TMVpB../42e93.. ownership of 6afa0.. as prop with payaddr Pr4zB.. rights free controlledby Pr4zB.. upto 0
TMJta../053b5.. ownership of cc49b.. as prop with payaddr Pr4zB.. rights free controlledby Pr4zB.. upto 0
TMa4u../1c35e.. ownership of 4dde1.. as prop with payaddr Pr4zB.. rights free controlledby Pr4zB.. upto 0
TMM5w../a9e58.. ownership of 540e6.. as prop with payaddr Pr4zB.. rights free controlledby Pr4zB.. upto 0
TMLZE../8bf41.. ownership of 742be.. as prop with payaddr Pr4zB.. rights free controlledby Pr4zB.. upto 0
TMaWt../a323c.. ownership of 9018e.. as prop with payaddr Pr4zB.. rights free controlledby Pr4zB.. upto 0
TMb5e../88330.. ownership of ffe0a.. as prop with payaddr Pr4zB.. rights free controlledby Pr4zB.. upto 0
TMWGy../7b5d5.. ownership of a7839.. as prop with payaddr Pr4zB.. rights free controlledby Pr4zB.. upto 0
TMRnv../72d21.. ownership of c2738.. as prop with payaddr Pr4zB.. rights free controlledby Pr4zB.. upto 0
TMLz8../61985.. ownership of 617e2.. as prop with payaddr Pr4zB.. rights free controlledby Pr4zB.. upto 0
TMUM6../49f60.. ownership of 1afe5.. as prop with payaddr Pr4zB.. rights free controlledby Pr4zB.. upto 0
TMY38../76bbe.. ownership of c34a2.. as prop with payaddr Pr4zB.. rights free controlledby Pr4zB.. upto 0
TMRTT../49606.. ownership of 3c85a.. as prop with payaddr Pr4zB.. rights free controlledby Pr4zB.. upto 0
TMcix../6fe5b.. ownership of 55574.. as obj with payaddr Pr4zB.. rights free controlledby Pr4zB.. upto 0
TMZgb../0ee50.. ownership of d73fb.. as obj with payaddr Pr4zB.. rights free controlledby Pr4zB.. upto 0
PUVbn../18444.. doc published by Pr4zB..
Param ordsuccordsucc : ιι
Definition u1 := 1
Definition u2 := ordsucc u1
Definition u3 := ordsucc u2
Definition u4 := ordsucc u3
Definition u5 := ordsucc u4
Definition u6 := ordsucc u5
Definition u7 := ordsucc u6
Definition u8 := ordsucc u7
Definition u9 := ordsucc u8
Definition u10 := ordsucc u9
Definition u11 := ordsucc u10
Definition u12 := ordsucc u11
Definition u13 := ordsucc u12
Definition u14 := ordsucc u13
Definition u15 := ordsucc u14
Definition u16 := ordsucc u15
Definition u17 := ordsucc u16
Definition u18 := ordsucc u17
Definition u19 := ordsucc u18
Definition u20 := ordsucc u19
Definition u21 := ordsucc u20
Definition u22 := ordsucc u21
Definition SubqSubq := λ x0 x1 . ∀ x2 . x2x0x2x1
Known ordsuccI1ordsuccI1 : ∀ x0 . x0ordsucc x0
Known 179f3.. : 0u21
Theorem c34a2.. : 0u22 (proof)
Known 07fdb.. : u1u21
Theorem 617e2.. : u1u22 (proof)
Known c25ea.. : u2u21
Theorem a7839.. : u2u22 (proof)
Known 0750b.. : u3u21
Theorem 9018e.. : u3u22 (proof)
Known 701a9.. : u4u21
Theorem 540e6.. : u4u22 (proof)
Param apap : ιιι
Param lamSigma : ι(ιι) → ι
Param If_iIf_i : οιιι
Known 48efb.. : ∀ x0 x1 . ∀ x2 : ι → ι → ι . ∀ x3 . x3x1ap (lam x1 (λ x5 . If_i (x5 = x3) x0 (x2 (ordsucc x3) x5))) x3 = x0
Theorem cc49b.. : ∀ x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 . ap (lam 22 (λ x23 . If_i (x23 = 0) x0 (If_i (x23 = 1) x1 (If_i (x23 = 2) x2 (If_i (x23 = 3) x3 (If_i (x23 = 4) x4 (If_i (x23 = 5) x5 (If_i (x23 = 6) x6 (If_i (x23 = 7) x7 (If_i (x23 = 8) x8 (If_i (x23 = 9) x9 (If_i (x23 = 10) x10 (If_i (x23 = 11) x11 (If_i (x23 = 12) x12 (If_i (x23 = 13) x13 (If_i (x23 = 14) x14 (If_i (x23 = 15) x15 (If_i (x23 = 16) x16 (If_i (x23 = 17) x17 (If_i (x23 = 18) x18 (If_i (x23 = 19) x19 (If_i (x23 = 20) x20 x21)))))))))))))))))))))) 0 = x0 (proof)
Known d21a1.. : ∀ x0 x1 . ∀ x2 : ι → ι → ι . ∀ x3 x4 . (x4 = x3∀ x5 : ο . x5)ap (lam x1 (λ x6 . If_i (x6 = x3) x0 (x2 (ordsucc x3) x6))) x4 = ap (lam x1 (x2 (ordsucc x3))) x4
Known neq_1_0neq_1_0 : u1 = 0∀ x0 : ο . x0
Theorem 7045e.. : ∀ x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 . ap (lam 22 (λ x23 . If_i (x23 = 0) x0 (If_i (x23 = 1) x1 (If_i (x23 = 2) x2 (If_i (x23 = 3) x3 (If_i (x23 = 4) x4 (If_i (x23 = 5) x5 (If_i (x23 = 6) x6 (If_i (x23 = 7) x7 (If_i (x23 = 8) x8 (If_i (x23 = 9) x9 (If_i (x23 = 10) x10 (If_i (x23 = 11) x11 (If_i (x23 = 12) x12 (If_i (x23 = 13) x13 (If_i (x23 = 14) x14 (If_i (x23 = 15) x15 (If_i (x23 = 16) x16 (If_i (x23 = 17) x17 (If_i (x23 = 18) x18 (If_i (x23 = 19) x19 (If_i (x23 = 20) x20 x21)))))))))))))))))))))) u1 = x1 (proof)
Known neq_2_0neq_2_0 : u2 = 0∀ x0 : ο . x0
Known neq_2_1neq_2_1 : u2 = u1∀ x0 : ο . x0
Theorem 7132f.. : ∀ x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 . ap (lam 22 (λ x23 . If_i (x23 = 0) x0 (If_i (x23 = 1) x1 (If_i (x23 = 2) x2 (If_i (x23 = 3) x3 (If_i (x23 = 4) x4 (If_i (x23 = 5) x5 (If_i (x23 = 6) x6 (If_i (x23 = 7) x7 (If_i (x23 = 8) x8 (If_i (x23 = 9) x9 (If_i (x23 = 10) x10 (If_i (x23 = 11) x11 (If_i (x23 = 12) x12 (If_i (x23 = 13) x13 (If_i (x23 = 14) x14 (If_i (x23 = 15) x15 (If_i (x23 = 16) x16 (If_i (x23 = 17) x17 (If_i (x23 = 18) x18 (If_i (x23 = 19) x19 (If_i (x23 = 20) x20 x21)))))))))))))))))))))) u2 = x2 (proof)
Known neq_3_0neq_3_0 : u3 = 0∀ x0 : ο . x0
Known neq_3_1neq_3_1 : u3 = u1∀ x0 : ο . x0
Known neq_3_2neq_3_2 : u3 = u2∀ x0 : ο . x0
Theorem c0b4c.. : ∀ x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 . ap (lam 22 (λ x23 . If_i (x23 = 0) x0 (If_i (x23 = 1) x1 (If_i (x23 = 2) x2 (If_i (x23 = 3) x3 (If_i (x23 = 4) x4 (If_i (x23 = 5) x5 (If_i (x23 = 6) x6 (If_i (x23 = 7) x7 (If_i (x23 = 8) x8 (If_i (x23 = 9) x9 (If_i (x23 = 10) x10 (If_i (x23 = 11) x11 (If_i (x23 = 12) x12 (If_i (x23 = 13) x13 (If_i (x23 = 14) x14 (If_i (x23 = 15) x15 (If_i (x23 = 16) x16 (If_i (x23 = 17) x17 (If_i (x23 = 18) x18 (If_i (x23 = 19) x19 (If_i (x23 = 20) x20 x21)))))))))))))))))))))) u3 = x3 (proof)
Known neq_4_0neq_4_0 : u4 = 0∀ x0 : ο . x0
Known neq_4_1neq_4_1 : u4 = u1∀ x0 : ο . x0
Known neq_4_2neq_4_2 : u4 = u2∀ x0 : ο . x0
Known neq_4_3neq_4_3 : u4 = u3∀ x0 : ο . x0
Theorem 2bb23.. : ∀ x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 . ap (lam 22 (λ x23 . If_i (x23 = 0) x0 (If_i (x23 = 1) x1 (If_i (x23 = 2) x2 (If_i (x23 = 3) x3 (If_i (x23 = 4) x4 (If_i (x23 = 5) x5 (If_i (x23 = 6) x6 (If_i (x23 = 7) x7 (If_i (x23 = 8) x8 (If_i (x23 = 9) x9 (If_i (x23 = 10) x10 (If_i (x23 = 11) x11 (If_i (x23 = 12) x12 (If_i (x23 = 13) x13 (If_i (x23 = 14) x14 (If_i (x23 = 15) x15 (If_i (x23 = 16) x16 (If_i (x23 = 17) x17 (If_i (x23 = 18) x18 (If_i (x23 = 19) x19 (If_i (x23 = 20) x20 x21)))))))))))))))))))))) u4 = x4 (proof)
Definition 55574.. := λ x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 x22 . ap (lam 22 (λ x23 . If_i (x23 = 0) x1 (If_i (x23 = 1) x2 (If_i (x23 = 2) x3 (If_i (x23 = 3) x4 (If_i (x23 = 4) x5 (If_i (x23 = 5) x6 (If_i (x23 = 6) x7 (If_i (x23 = 7) x8 (If_i (x23 = 8) x9 (If_i (x23 = 9) x10 (If_i (x23 = 10) x11 (If_i (x23 = 11) x12 (If_i (x23 = 12) x13 (If_i (x23 = 13) x14 (If_i (x23 = 14) x15 (If_i (x23 = 15) x16 (If_i (x23 = 16) x17 (If_i (x23 = 17) x18 (If_i (x23 = 18) x19 (If_i (x23 = 19) x20 (If_i (x23 = 20) x21 x22)))))))))))))))))))))) x0
Theorem 7410a.. : 55574.. 0 = λ x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 x22 . x1 (proof)
Theorem aafc6.. : 55574.. u1 = λ x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 x22 . x2 (proof)
Theorem fa851.. : 55574.. u2 = λ x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 x22 . x3 (proof)
Theorem 9379b.. : 55574.. u3 = λ x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 x22 . x4 (proof)
Theorem 5f4d4.. : 55574.. u4 = λ x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 x22 . x5 (proof)