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Proofgold Signed Transaction

PrEvg../fe256.. 0.33 bars
TMSyV../4fdfa.. ownership of 2992b.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rightscost 0.00 controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMN3P../c6ce2.. ownership of c65c4.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rightscost 0.00 controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMHSH../43fc4.. ownership of 28603.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rightscost 0.00 controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMKCQ../8f025.. ownership of 9d52b.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rightscost 0.00 controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMK6N../8788e.. ownership of 474a0.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rightscost 0.00 controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMXdy../c59f2.. ownership of 3f3ea.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rightscost 0.00 controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMMJq../af68b.. ownership of 9464f.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rightscost 0.00 controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMNCk../aaa25.. ownership of f902b.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rightscost 0.00 controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMPpX../c569e.. ownership of 80453.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rightscost 0.00 controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMdK9../db369.. ownership of 0c6fb.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rightscost 0.00 controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMRij../3af00.. ownership of b8d29.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rightscost 0.00 controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMQmR../1cc83.. ownership of a6cec.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rightscost 0.00 controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMM3Q../e60bc.. ownership of d25f0.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rightscost 0.00 controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMKAz../1b1bc.. ownership of 18f2d.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rightscost 0.00 controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMMcc../9827b.. ownership of be428.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rightscost 0.00 controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMNWB../4817b.. ownership of 59dc2.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rightscost 0.00 controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMe1C../40387.. ownership of 69124.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rightscost 0.00 controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMHrx../b2da5.. ownership of 598b1.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rightscost 0.00 controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMGnz../f7b49.. ownership of 8b007.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rightscost 0.00 controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMQn4../844a3.. ownership of 640ec.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rightscost 0.00 controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMKNR../54c3c.. ownership of d55a8.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rightscost 0.00 controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMRtp../d91d9.. ownership of 2def6.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rightscost 0.00 controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMa7z../ae69c.. ownership of d1f59.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rightscost 0.00 controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMW11../89a63.. ownership of 1be6e.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rightscost 0.00 controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
PUJuQ../77d55.. doc published by PrGxv..
Known 7675c..combinator_def : combinator = λ x1 . ∀ x2 : ι → ο . x2 (Inj0 0)x2 (Inj0 (Power 0))(∀ x3 x4 . x2 x3x2 x4x2 (Inj1 (setsum x3 x4)))x2 x1
Theorem d1f59..combinator_K : combinator (Inj0 0) (proof)
Theorem d55a8..combinator_S : combinator (Inj0 (Power 0)) (proof)
Theorem 8b007..combinator_Ap : ∀ x0 x1 . combinator x0combinator x1combinator (Inj1 (setsum x0 x1)) (proof)
Known eb789..andER : ∀ x0 x1 : ο . and x0 x1x1
Known 7c02f..andI : ∀ x0 x1 : ο . x0x1and x0 x1
Known andEandE : ∀ x0 x1 : ο . and x0 x1∀ x2 : ο . (x0x1x2)x2
Theorem 69124..combinator_ind : ∀ x0 : ι → ο . x0 (Inj0 0)x0 (Inj0 (Power 0))(∀ x1 x2 . combinator x1x0 x1combinator x2x0 x2x0 (Inj1 (setsum x1 x2)))∀ x1 . combinator x1x0 x1 (proof)
Known b650a..combinator_equiv_def : combinator_equiv = λ x1 x2 . ∀ x3 : ι → ι → ο . per_i x3(∀ x4 . combinator x4x3 x4 x4)(∀ x4 x5 x6 x7 . combinator x4combinator x5combinator x6combinator x7x3 x4 x6x3 x5 x7x3 (Inj1 (setsum x4 x5)) (Inj1 (setsum x6 x7)))(∀ x4 x5 . x3 (Inj1 (setsum (Inj1 (setsum (Inj0 0) x4)) x5)) x4)(∀ x4 x5 x6 . x3 (Inj1 (setsum (Inj1 (setsum (Inj1 (setsum (Inj0 (Power 0)) x4)) x5)) x6)) (Inj1 (setsum (Inj1 (setsum x4 x6)) (Inj1 (setsum x5 x6)))))x3 x1 x2
Known 14d50..per_i_E : ∀ x0 : ι → ι → ο . per_i x0∀ x1 : ο . (symmetric_i x0transitive_i x0x1)x1
Known 2acec..symmetric_i_E : ∀ x0 : ι → ι → ο . symmetric_i x0∀ x1 x2 . x0 x1 x2x0 x2 x1
Theorem be428..combinator_equiv_sym : ∀ x0 x1 . combinator_equiv x0 x1combinator_equiv x1 x0 (proof)
Known 01483..transitive_i_E : ∀ x0 : ι → ι → ο . transitive_i x0∀ x1 x2 x3 . x0 x1 x2x0 x2 x3x0 x1 x3
Theorem d25f0..combinator_equiv_tra : ∀ x0 x1 x2 . combinator_equiv x0 x1combinator_equiv x1 x2combinator_equiv x0 x2 (proof)
Theorem b8d29..combinator_equiv_Ap : ∀ x0 x1 x2 x3 . combinator x0combinator x1combinator x2combinator x3combinator_equiv x0 x2combinator_equiv x1 x3combinator_equiv (Inj1 (setsum x0 x1)) (Inj1 (setsum x2 x3)) (proof)
Theorem 80453..combinator_equiv_K : ∀ x0 x1 . combinator_equiv (Inj1 (setsum (Inj1 (setsum (Inj0 0) x0)) x1)) x0 (proof)
Theorem 9464f..combinator_equiv_S : ∀ x0 x1 x2 . combinator_equiv (Inj1 (setsum (Inj1 (setsum (Inj1 (setsum (Inj0 (Power 0)) x0)) x1)) x2)) (Inj1 (setsum (Inj1 (setsum x0 x2)) (Inj1 (setsum x1 x2)))) (proof)
Theorem 474a0..combinator_equiv_ref : ∀ x0 . combinator_equiv x0 x0 (proof)
Known 7c1a4..per_i_I : ∀ x0 : ι → ι → ο . symmetric_i x0transitive_i x0per_i x0
Known c3f98..symmetric_i_I : ∀ x0 : ι → ι → ο . (∀ x1 x2 . x0 x1 x2x0 x2 x1)symmetric_i x0
Known 11ad5..transitive_i_I : ∀ x0 : ι → ι → ο . (∀ x1 x2 x3 . x0 x1 x2x0 x2 x3x0 x1 x3)transitive_i x0
Theorem 28603..combinator_equiv_ind : ∀ x0 : ι → ι → ο . per_i x0(∀ x1 . combinator x1x0 x1 x1)(∀ x1 x2 x3 x4 . combinator x1combinator x2combinator x3combinator x4combinator_equiv x1 x3x0 x1 x3combinator_equiv x2 x4x0 x2 x4x0 (Inj1 (setsum x1 x2)) (Inj1 (setsum x3 x4)))(∀ x1 x2 . x0 (Inj1 (setsum (Inj1 (setsum (Inj0 0) x1)) x2)) x1)(∀ x1 x2 x3 . x0 (Inj1 (setsum (Inj1 (setsum (Inj1 (setsum (Inj0 (Power 0)) x1)) x2)) x3)) (Inj1 (setsum (Inj1 (setsum x1 x3)) (Inj1 (setsum x2 x3)))))∀ x1 x2 . combinator_equiv x1 x2x0 x1 x2 (proof)
Theorem 2992b..combinator_SKK : ∀ x0 . combinator_equiv (Inj1 (setsum (Inj1 (setsum (Inj1 (setsum (Inj0 (Power 0)) (Inj0 0))) (Inj0 0))) x0)) x0 (proof)