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Proofgold Signed Transaction

Pr4p1../8ca40.. 0.10 bars
TMayg../1fb81.. ownership of 42043.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMQwa../6c822.. ownership of fe60f.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMF8x../d1f12.. ownership of a5f0d.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMU1j../9fb99.. ownership of 03290.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMFTC../4fc68.. ownership of 53c5a.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMRCx../f1db9.. ownership of 6a5ed.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMdsH../94b0e.. ownership of ba1f4.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMUXr../db6f1.. ownership of c97a4.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMMkX../431d3.. ownership of 6b62e.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMdEg../223fa.. ownership of 75825.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMcNx../8e26a.. ownership of b3e13.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMVRt../e5281.. ownership of 21df0.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMTU5../98d39.. ownership of ab12e.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMQhT../cc1cc.. ownership of 8e66f.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMGB8../556c9.. ownership of f165f.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMH9k../7ad38.. ownership of 204ca.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMRpV../76499.. ownership of 6d7e7.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMaWJ../4909c.. ownership of 29515.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMSq4../7dfb7.. ownership of 180e3.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMJza../43bb0.. ownership of 317a2.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMTP7../5f433.. ownership of 10276.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMZY9../1d990.. ownership of 7a19e.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMNLU../91061.. ownership of 66925.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMHQK../44a1a.. ownership of e8c1e.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMVfh../d389f.. ownership of 7b63c.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMSS4../f96a7.. ownership of 9cd19.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMVVg../f8cdb.. ownership of 6bd72.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMa7x../c77da.. ownership of d98c9.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMa3C../cfa7a.. ownership of 3aaf3.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMFnz../a7027.. ownership of 976a2.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMHE8../26969.. ownership of a8d86.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMU2Z../4b228.. ownership of 09c66.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMMhK../ea8c1.. ownership of cbd63.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMc97../1b241.. ownership of 5c66b.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
PUQnf../ba8d3.. doc published by PrCmT..
Known ax_frege58b__ax_frege58b_b__df_bcc__df_addr__df_subr__df_mulv__df_ptdf__df_rr3__df_line3__df_vd1__df_vd2__df_vhc2__df_vhc3__df_vd3__df_liminf__df_xlim__df_salg__df_salon : ∀ x0 : ο . ((∀ x1 : ι → ο . ∀ x2 . (∀ x3 . x1 x3)wsb x1 x2)(∀ x1 : ι → ο . ∀ x2 . (∀ x3 . x1 x3)wsb x1 x2)wceq cbcc (cmpt2 (λ x1 x2 . cc) (λ x1 x2 . cn0) (λ x1 x2 . co (co (cv x1) (cv x2) cfallfac) (cfv (cv x2) cfa) cdiv))wceq cplusr (cmpt2 (λ x1 x2 . cvv) (λ x1 x2 . cvv) (λ x1 x2 . cmpt (λ x3 . cr) (λ x3 . co (cfv (cv x3) (cv x1)) (cfv (cv x3) (cv x2)) caddc)))wceq cminusr (cmpt2 (λ x1 x2 . cvv) (λ x1 x2 . cvv) (λ x1 x2 . cmpt (λ x3 . cr) (λ x3 . co (cfv (cv x3) (cv x1)) (cfv (cv x3) (cv x2)) cmin)))wceq ctimesr (cmpt2 (λ x1 x2 . cvv) (λ x1 x2 . cvv) (λ x1 x2 . cmpt (λ x3 . cr) (λ x3 . co (cv x1) (cfv (cv x3) (cv x2)) cmul)))(∀ x1 x2 : ι → ο . wceq (cptdfc x1 x2) (cmpt (λ x3 . cr) (λ x3 . cima (co (co (cv x3) (co x2 x1 cminusr) ctimesr) x1 cpv) (ctp c1 c2 c3))))wceq crr3c (co cr (ctp c1 c2 c3) cmap)wceq cline3 (crab (λ x1 . wa (wbr c2o (cv x1) cdom) (wral (λ x2 . wral (λ x3 . wne (cv x3) (cv x2)wceq (crn (cptdfc (cv x2) (cv x3))) (cv x1)) (λ x3 . cv x1)) (λ x2 . cv x1))) (λ x1 . cpw crr3c))(∀ x1 x2 : ο . wb (wvd1 x1 x2) (x1x2))(∀ x1 x2 x3 : ο . wb (wvd2 x1 x2 x3) (wa x1 x2x3))(∀ x1 x2 : ο . wb (wvhc2 x1 x2) (wa x1 x2))(∀ x1 x2 x3 : ο . wb (wvhc3 x1 x2 x3) (w3a x1 x2 x3))(∀ x1 x2 x3 x4 : ο . wb (wvd3 x1 x2 x3 x4) (w3a x1 x2 x3x4))wceq clsi (cmpt (λ x1 . cvv) (λ x1 . csup (crn (cmpt (λ x2 . cr) (λ x2 . cinf (cin (cima (cv x1) (co (cv x2) cpnf cico)) cxr) cxr clt))) cxr clt))wceq clsxlim (cfv (cfv cle cordt) clm)wceq csalg (cab (λ x1 . w3a (wcel c0 (cv x1)) (wral (λ x2 . wcel (cdif (cuni (cv x1)) (cv x2)) (cv x1)) (λ x2 . cv x1)) (wral (λ x2 . wbr (cv x2) com cdomwcel (cuni (cv x2)) (cv x1)) (λ x2 . cpw (cv x1)))))wceq csalon (cmpt (λ x1 . cvv) (λ x1 . crab (λ x2 . wceq (cuni (cv x2)) (cv x1)) (λ x2 . csalg)))x0)x0
Theorem ax_frege58b_b : ∀ x0 : ι → ο . ∀ x1 . (∀ x2 . x0 x2)wsb x0 x1 (proof)
Theorem ax_frege58b_b : ∀ x0 : ι → ο . ∀ x1 . (∀ x2 . x0 x2)wsb x0 x1 (proof)
Theorem df_bcc : wceq cbcc (cmpt2 (λ x0 x1 . cc) (λ x0 x1 . cn0) (λ x0 x1 . co (co (cv x0) (cv x1) cfallfac) (cfv (cv x1) cfa) cdiv)) (proof)
Theorem df_addr : wceq cplusr (cmpt2 (λ x0 x1 . cvv) (λ x0 x1 . cvv) (λ x0 x1 . cmpt (λ x2 . cr) (λ x2 . co (cfv (cv x2) (cv x0)) (cfv (cv x2) (cv x1)) caddc))) (proof)
Theorem df_subr : wceq cminusr (cmpt2 (λ x0 x1 . cvv) (λ x0 x1 . cvv) (λ x0 x1 . cmpt (λ x2 . cr) (λ x2 . co (cfv (cv x2) (cv x0)) (cfv (cv x2) (cv x1)) cmin))) (proof)
Theorem df_mulv : wceq ctimesr (cmpt2 (λ x0 x1 . cvv) (λ x0 x1 . cvv) (λ x0 x1 . cmpt (λ x2 . cr) (λ x2 . co (cv x0) (cfv (cv x2) (cv x1)) cmul))) (proof)
Theorem df_ptdf : ∀ x0 x1 : ι → ο . wceq (cptdfc x0 x1) (cmpt (λ x2 . cr) (λ x2 . cima (co (co (cv x2) (co x1 x0 cminusr) ctimesr) x0 cpv) (ctp c1 c2 c3))) (proof)
Theorem df_rr3 : wceq crr3c (co cr (ctp c1 c2 c3) cmap) (proof)
Theorem df_line3 : wceq cline3 (crab (λ x0 . wa (wbr c2o (cv x0) cdom) (wral (λ x1 . wral (λ x2 . wne (cv x2) (cv x1)wceq (crn (cptdfc (cv x1) (cv x2))) (cv x0)) (λ x2 . cv x0)) (λ x1 . cv x0))) (λ x0 . cpw crr3c)) (proof)
Theorem df_vd1 : ∀ x0 x1 : ο . wb (wvd1 x0 x1) (x0x1) (proof)
Theorem df_vd2 : ∀ x0 x1 x2 : ο . wb (wvd2 x0 x1 x2) (wa x0 x1x2) (proof)
Theorem df_vhc2 : ∀ x0 x1 : ο . wb (wvhc2 x0 x1) (wa x0 x1) (proof)
Theorem df_vhc3 : ∀ x0 x1 x2 : ο . wb (wvhc3 x0 x1 x2) (w3a x0 x1 x2) (proof)
Theorem df_vd3 : ∀ x0 x1 x2 x3 : ο . wb (wvd3 x0 x1 x2 x3) (w3a x0 x1 x2x3) (proof)
Theorem df_liminf : wceq clsi (cmpt (λ x0 . cvv) (λ x0 . csup (crn (cmpt (λ x1 . cr) (λ x1 . cinf (cin (cima (cv x0) (co (cv x1) cpnf cico)) cxr) cxr clt))) cxr clt)) (proof)
Theorem df_xlim : wceq clsxlim (cfv (cfv cle cordt) clm) (proof)
Theorem df_salg : wceq csalg (cab (λ x0 . w3a (wcel c0 (cv x0)) (wral (λ x1 . wcel (cdif (cuni (cv x0)) (cv x1)) (cv x0)) (λ x1 . cv x0)) (wral (λ x1 . wbr (cv x1) com cdomwcel (cuni (cv x1)) (cv x0)) (λ x1 . cpw (cv x0))))) (proof)
Theorem df_salon : wceq csalon (cmpt (λ x0 . cvv) (λ x0 . crab (λ x1 . wceq (cuni (cv x1)) (cv x0)) (λ x1 . csalg))) (proof)