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Proofgold Signed Transaction

PrCit../0f334.. 6.14 bars
TMHQT../a4e44.. ownership of 2562e.. as prop with payaddr Pr4zB.. rights free controlledby Pr4zB.. upto 0
TMUTh../c7268.. ownership of f84df.. as prop with payaddr Pr4zB.. rights free controlledby Pr4zB.. upto 0
TMPUF../91fe3.. ownership of e94f4.. as prop with payaddr Pr4zB.. rights free controlledby Pr4zB.. upto 0
TMVtA../1048c.. ownership of 6158c.. as prop with payaddr Pr4zB.. rights free controlledby Pr4zB.. upto 0
TMUmw../5f1b4.. ownership of 50f80.. as prop with payaddr Pr4zB.. rights free controlledby Pr4zB.. upto 0
TMGVo../5939c.. ownership of 3243c.. as prop with payaddr Pr4zB.. rights free controlledby Pr4zB.. upto 0
TMb4e../882e8.. ownership of eb1da.. as prop with payaddr Pr4zB.. rights free controlledby Pr4zB.. upto 0
TMcsJ../ec036.. ownership of 9b611.. as prop with payaddr Pr4zB.. rights free controlledby Pr4zB.. upto 0
TMcDi../ad987.. ownership of 6aebb.. as prop with payaddr Pr4zB.. rights free controlledby Pr4zB.. upto 0
TMWZ3../4e02e.. ownership of b200e.. as prop with payaddr Pr4zB.. rights free controlledby Pr4zB.. upto 0
TMXcm../afb6c.. ownership of 73189.. as prop with payaddr Pr4zB.. rights free controlledby Pr4zB.. upto 0
TMPGe../555fe.. ownership of a7f35.. as prop with payaddr Pr4zB.. rights free controlledby Pr4zB.. upto 0
PUYJ5../2923d.. doc published by Pr4zB..
Param nat_pnat_p : ιο
Param ordsuccordsucc : ιι
Param add_natadd_nat : ιιι
Known 816bd.. : add_nat 16 8 = 24
Known add_nat_padd_nat_p : ∀ x0 . nat_p x0∀ x1 . nat_p x1nat_p (add_nat x0 x1)
Known nat_16nat_16 : nat_p 16
Known nat_8nat_8 : nat_p 8
Theorem 73189.. : nat_p 24 (proof)
Param TwoRamseyPropTwoRamseyProp : ιιιο
Known 6ba1d.. : add_nat 24 7 = 31
Param TwoRamseyProp_atleastp : ιιιο
Known 97c7e.. : ∀ x0 x1 x2 x3 . nat_p x2nat_p x3TwoRamseyProp_atleastp (ordsucc x0) x1 x2TwoRamseyProp_atleastp x0 (ordsucc x1) x3TwoRamseyProp (ordsucc x0) (ordsucc x1) (ordsucc (add_nat x2 x3))
Known nat_7nat_7 : nat_p 7
Param atleastpatleastp : ιιο
Known TwoRamseyProp_atleastp_atleastp : ∀ x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 . TwoRamseyProp x0 x2 x4atleastp x1 x0atleastp x3 x2TwoRamseyProp_atleastp x1 x3 x4
Known TwoRamseyProp_3_6_24 : TwoRamseyProp 3 6 24
Known atleastp_ref : ∀ x0 . atleastp x0 x0
Known 95eb4.. : ∀ x0 . TwoRamseyProp_atleastp 2 x0 x0
Theorem TwoRamseyProp_3_7_32 : TwoRamseyProp 3 7 32 (proof)
Known 46dcf.. : ∀ x0 x1 x2 x3 . atleastp x2 x3TwoRamseyProp x0 x1 x2TwoRamseyProp x0 x1 x3
Param equipequip : ιιο
Known equip_atleastpequip_atleastp : ∀ x0 x1 . equip x0 x1atleastp x0 x1
Known equip_symequip_sym : ∀ x0 x1 . equip x0 x1equip x1 x0
Param exp_natexp_nat : ιιι
Known e089c.. : exp_nat 2 5 = 32
Known 293d3.. : ∀ x0 . nat_p x0equip (prim4 x0) (exp_nat 2 x0)
Known nat_5nat_5 : nat_p 5
Theorem TwoRamseyProp_3_7_Power_5TwoRamseyProp_3_7_Power_5 : TwoRamseyProp 3 7 (prim4 5) (proof)
Param SubqSubq : ιιο
Known 697c6.. : ∀ x0 x1 x2 x3 . x2x3TwoRamseyProp x0 x1 x2TwoRamseyProp x0 x1 x3
Known 78a3e.. : ∀ x0 . prim4 x0prim4 (ordsucc x0)
Theorem TwoRamseyProp_3_7_Power_6TwoRamseyProp_3_7_Power_6 : TwoRamseyProp 3 7 (prim4 6) (proof)
Theorem TwoRamseyProp_3_7_Power_7TwoRamseyProp_3_7_Power_7 : TwoRamseyProp 3 7 (prim4 7) (proof)
Theorem TwoRamseyProp_3_7_Power_8TwoRamseyProp_3_7_Power_8 : TwoRamseyProp 3 7 (prim4 8) (proof)