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Proofgold Proof

Claim L0: ...
Claim L1: ...
Claim L2: ...
Claim L3: ...
Apply OSNo_proj0proj1_split with mul_OSNo Octonion_i3 Complex_i, minus_OSNo Octonion_i0 leaving 4 subgoals.
The subproof is completed by applying L3.
Apply OSNo_minus_OSNo with Octonion_i0.
The subproof is completed by applying L2.
Apply minus_OSNo_proj0 with Octonion_i0, λ x0 x1 . OSNo_proj0 (mul_OSNo Octonion_i3 Complex_i) = x1 leaving 2 subgoals.
The subproof is completed by applying L2.
Apply OSNo_p0_i0 with λ x0 x1 . OSNo_proj0 (mul_OSNo Octonion_i3 Complex_i) = minus_HSNo x1.
Apply mul_OSNo_proj0 with Octonion_i3, Complex_i, λ x0 x1 . x1 = minus_HSNo 0 leaving 3 subgoals.
The subproof is completed by applying L1.
The subproof is completed by applying L0.
Apply OSNo_p0_i with λ x0 x1 . add_HSNo (mul_HSNo (OSNo_proj0 Octonion_i3) x1) (minus_HSNo (mul_HSNo (conj_HSNo (OSNo_proj1 Complex_i)) (OSNo_proj1 Octonion_i3))) = minus_HSNo 0.
Apply OSNo_p1_i with λ x0 x1 . add_HSNo (mul_HSNo (OSNo_proj0 Octonion_i3) Complex_i) (minus_HSNo (mul_HSNo (conj_HSNo x1) (OSNo_proj1 Octonion_i3))) = minus_HSNo 0.
Apply OSNo_p0_i3 with λ x0 x1 . add_HSNo (mul_HSNo x1 Complex_i) (minus_HSNo (mul_HSNo (conj_HSNo 0) (OSNo_proj1 Octonion_i3))) = minus_HSNo 0.
Apply OSNo_p1_i3 with λ x0 x1 . add_HSNo (mul_HSNo 0 Complex_i) (minus_HSNo (mul_HSNo (conj_HSNo 0) x1)) = minus_HSNo 0.
Apply conj_HSNo_id_SNo with 0, λ x0 x1 . add_HSNo (mul_HSNo 0 Complex_i) (minus_HSNo (mul_HSNo x1 (minus_HSNo Complex_i))) = minus_HSNo 0 leaving 2 subgoals.
The subproof is completed by applying SNo_0.
Apply mul_HSNo_0L with Complex_i, λ x0 x1 . add_HSNo x1 (minus_HSNo (mul_HSNo 0 (minus_HSNo Complex_i))) = minus_HSNo 0 leaving 2 subgoals.
The subproof is completed by applying HSNo_Complex_i.
Apply mul_HSNo_0L with minus_HSNo Complex_i, λ x0 x1 . add_HSNo 0 (minus_HSNo x1) = minus_HSNo 0 leaving 2 subgoals.
Apply HSNo_minus_HSNo with Complex_i.
The subproof is completed by applying HSNo_Complex_i.
Apply minus_HSNo_0 with λ x0 x1 . add_HSNo 0 x1 = x1.
Apply add_HSNo_0L with 0.
The subproof is completed by applying HSNo_0.
Apply minus_OSNo_proj1 with Octonion_i0, λ x0 x1 . OSNo_proj1 (mul_OSNo Octonion_i3 Complex_i) = x1 leaving 2 subgoals.
The subproof is completed by applying L2.
Apply OSNo_p1_i0 with λ x0 x1 . OSNo_proj1 (mul_OSNo Octonion_i3 Complex_i) = minus_HSNo x1.
Apply mul_OSNo_proj1 with Octonion_i3, Complex_i, λ x0 x1 . x1 = minus_HSNo 1 leaving 3 subgoals.
The subproof is completed by applying L1.
The subproof is completed by applying L0.
Apply OSNo_p0_i with λ x0 x1 . add_HSNo (mul_HSNo (OSNo_proj1 Complex_i) (OSNo_proj0 Octonion_i3)) (mul_HSNo (OSNo_proj1 Octonion_i3) (conj_HSNo x1)) = minus_HSNo 1.
Apply OSNo_p1_i with λ x0 x1 . add_HSNo (mul_HSNo x1 (OSNo_proj0 Octonion_i3)) (mul_HSNo (OSNo_proj1 Octonion_i3) (conj_HSNo Complex_i)) = minus_HSNo 1.
Apply OSNo_p0_i3 with λ x0 x1 . add_HSNo (mul_HSNo 0 x1) (mul_HSNo (OSNo_proj1 Octonion_i3) (conj_HSNo Complex_i)) = minus_HSNo 1.
Apply OSNo_p1_i3 with λ x0 x1 . add_HSNo (mul_HSNo 0 0) (mul_HSNo x1 (conj_HSNo Complex_i)) = minus_HSNo 1.
Apply mul_HSNo_0L with 0, λ x0 x1 . add_HSNo x1 (mul_HSNo (minus_HSNo Complex_i) (conj_HSNo Complex_i)) = minus_HSNo 1 leaving 2 subgoals.
The subproof is completed by applying HSNo_0.
Apply conj_HSNo_i with λ x0 x1 . add_HSNo 0 (mul_HSNo (minus_HSNo Complex_i) x1) = minus_HSNo 1.
Apply minus_mul_HSNo_distrL with Complex_i, minus_HSNo Complex_i, λ x0 x1 . add_HSNo 0 x1 = minus_HSNo 1 leaving 3 subgoals.
The subproof is completed by applying HSNo_Complex_i.
Apply HSNo_minus_HSNo with Complex_i.
The subproof is completed by applying HSNo_Complex_i.
Apply minus_mul_HSNo_distrR with Complex_i, Complex_i, λ x0 x1 . add_HSNo 0 (minus_HSNo x1) = minus_HSNo 1 leaving 3 subgoals.
The subproof is completed by applying HSNo_Complex_i.
The subproof is completed by applying HSNo_Complex_i.
Apply Quaternion_i_sqr with λ x0 x1 . add_HSNo 0 (minus_HSNo (minus_HSNo x1)) = minus_HSNo 1.
Apply minus_HSNo_invol with 1, ... leaving 2 subgoals.