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Proofgold Signed Transaction

PrQPb../e9e5a.. 19.87 bars
TMYn4../26470.. negprop ownership controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMcsu../84ebd.. negprop ownership controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMQQT../66e54.. ownership of e59d0.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMF22../11220.. ownership of 1b6f8.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMPQ5../30113.. ownership of 520c8.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMbfk../55213.. ownership of 445a1.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMaeN../4b148.. ownership of f91d5.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMHM4../c2be7.. ownership of ab80b.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMLjD../83c23.. ownership of 9eab1.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMHWB../c707c.. ownership of 2d8ba.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMUyS../70dcb.. ownership of 8be49.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMPfM../1dc4d.. ownership of 2bc61.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMSHm../61ab8.. ownership of f920b.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMbMF../bde4c.. ownership of 74e0f.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMTPx../c647a.. ownership of c4a44.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMbd7../0b952.. ownership of b2dab.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMdw6../a0d1f.. ownership of dda4f.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMVD9../7e9c7.. ownership of d1afc.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMMie../72034.. ownership of 139a5.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMTBC../ba013.. ownership of 0b8ad.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMR4D../057d5.. ownership of d50db.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMKSg../fe7d7.. ownership of 56121.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMREu../a5d55.. ownership of fdbc8.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMF2Y../1691c.. ownership of d92da.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMSb6../31add.. ownership of b22a0.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMLuq../6de7f.. ownership of a0924.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMZuZ../78929.. ownership of fe382.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMLie../cbc85.. ownership of a24e9.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMYoD../02d55.. ownership of 9f8e8.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMdh5../ba00d.. ownership of 0c1fa.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMboE../bc186.. ownership of cc5fe.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMZQx../4e489.. ownership of 0bfff.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMNxx../6cb68.. ownership of 25d53.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMKF1../2fca0.. ownership of 0b38d.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMFud../1ca8b.. ownership of 7a7de.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMWuH../984e6.. ownership of 9635c.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMbjS../839a7.. ownership of 9d654.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMRu6../54b54.. ownership of 1b5aa.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMabW../33c50.. ownership of f4236.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMY6P../ae094.. ownership of 55e11.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMSMJ../0bb70.. ownership of fca3d.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMW8h../ba800.. ownership of 1ad0a.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMdvx../9f3fa.. ownership of fb05c.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMLi9../3c2ef.. ownership of e87ba.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMXyd../56657.. ownership of 4504e.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMYYY../a90fb.. ownership of f44be.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMU4p../7795c.. ownership of 33eb9.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMJtx../e1c23.. ownership of a6d7c.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMUUZ../69b73.. ownership of 762f4.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMSJ6../73a19.. ownership of 06ba7.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMWrT../18b6c.. ownership of b9e15.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMEsC../e2bba.. ownership of 7bb14.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMXQg../14840.. ownership of 325cb.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMFx7../e4616.. ownership of c1b65.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMdb9../8bcd8.. ownership of f5776.. as obj with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMWN8../d9afb.. ownership of 74854.. as obj with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMKcJ../d45a5.. ownership of 9567b.. as obj with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMG6o../db8ca.. ownership of e40da.. as obj with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMaA7../01e14.. ownership of b095b.. as obj with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMEg3../6fd89.. ownership of 30acc.. as obj with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMFEq../73739.. ownership of 995ec.. as obj with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMZBT../a6723.. ownership of 5dad3.. as obj with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMcoC../507e5.. ownership of 78e2f.. as obj with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMbtV../5d938.. ownership of 9481c.. as obj with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMWUi../6768a.. ownership of df0e4.. as obj with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMRLL../fc235.. ownership of d0c55.. as obj with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMLiz../1824e.. ownership of 9f644.. as obj with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMUD5../253ce.. ownership of c3528.. as obj with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMS1S../c4d69.. ownership of 88bcd.. as obj with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMQqN../923d2.. ownership of 0c801.. as obj with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
PUgeJ../6b24b.. doc published by Pr6Pc..
Definition FalseFalse := ∀ x0 : ο . x0
Definition notnot := λ x0 : ο . x0False
Definition SubqSubq := λ x0 x1 . ∀ x2 . x2x0x2x1
Definition TransSetTransSet := λ x0 . ∀ x1 . x1x0x1x0
Param SingSing : ιι
Param ordsuccordsucc : ιι
Known neq_0_2neq_0_2 : 0 = 2∀ x0 : ο . x0
Known SingESingE : ∀ x0 x1 . x1Sing x0x1 = x0
Known SingISingI : ∀ x0 . x0Sing x0
Known In_0_2In_0_2 : 02
Theorem 325cb..not_TransSet_Sing2 : not (TransSet (Sing 2)) (proof)
Definition andand := λ x0 x1 : ο . ∀ x2 : ο . (x0x1x2)x2
Definition ordinalordinal := λ x0 . and (TransSet x0) (∀ x1 . x1x0TransSet x1)
Theorem b9e15..not_ordinal_Sing2 : not (ordinal (Sing 2)) (proof)
Param binunionbinunion : ιιι
Definition SetAdjoinSetAdjoin := λ x0 x1 . binunion x0 (Sing x1)
Known ordinal_Heredordinal_Hered : ∀ x0 . ordinal x0∀ x1 . x1x0ordinal x1
Known binunionI2binunionI2 : ∀ x0 x1 x2 . x2x1x2binunion x0 x1
Theorem ctagged_not_ordinalctagged_not_ordinal : ∀ x0 . not (ordinal (SetAdjoin x0 (Sing 2))) (proof)
Definition nInnIn := λ x0 x1 . not (x0x1)
Theorem ctagged_notin_ordinalctagged_notin_ordinal : ∀ x0 x1 . ordinal x0nIn (SetAdjoin x1 (Sing 2)) x0 (proof)
Known neq_1_2neq_1_2 : 1 = 2∀ x0 : ο . x0
Theorem Sing2_notin_SingSing1Sing2_notin_SingSing1 : nIn (Sing 2) (Sing (Sing 1)) (proof)
Definition SNoElts_SNoElts_ := λ x0 . binunion x0 {SetAdjoin x1 (Sing 1)|x1 ∈ x0}
Param exactly1of2exactly1of2 : οοο
Definition SNo_SNo_ := λ x0 x1 . and (x1SNoElts_ x0) (∀ x2 . x2x0exactly1of2 (SetAdjoin x2 (Sing 1)x1) (x2x1))
Definition SNoSNo := λ x0 . ∀ x1 : ο . (∀ x2 . and (ordinal x2) (SNo_ x2 x0)x1)x1
Known FalseEFalseE : False∀ x0 : ο . x0
Definition oror := λ x0 x1 : ο . ∀ x2 : ο . (x0x2)(x1x2)x2
Known binunionEbinunionE : ∀ x0 x1 x2 . x2binunion x0 x1or (x2x0) (x2x1)
Known ReplE_impredReplE_impred : ∀ x0 . ∀ x1 : ι → ι . ∀ x2 . x2prim5 x0 x1∀ x3 : ο . (∀ x4 . x4x0x2 = x1 x4x3)x3
Theorem ctagged_notin_SNoctagged_notin_SNo : ∀ x0 x1 . SNo x0nIn (SetAdjoin x1 (Sing 2)) x0 (proof)
Definition SNo_pairSNo_pair := λ x0 x1 . binunion x0 {SetAdjoin x2 (Sing 2)|x2 ∈ x1}
Known binunionI1binunionI1 : ∀ x0 x1 x2 . x2x0x2binunion x0 x1
Theorem fca3d..SNo_pair_prop_1_Subq : ∀ x0 x1 x2 x3 . SNo x0SNo_pair x0 x1 = SNo_pair x2 x3x0x2 (proof)
Known set_extset_ext : ∀ x0 x1 . x0x1x1x0x0 = x1
Theorem SNo_pair_prop_1SNo_pair_prop_1 : ∀ x0 x1 x2 x3 . SNo x0SNo x2SNo_pair x0 x1 = SNo_pair x2 x3x0 = x2 (proof)
Theorem 9d654..ctagged_eqE_Subq : ∀ x0 x1 . SNo x0SNo x1∀ x2 . x2x0∀ x3 . x3x1SetAdjoin x2 (Sing 2) = SetAdjoin x3 (Sing 2)x2x3 (proof)
Theorem ctagged_eqE_eqctagged_eqE_eq : ∀ x0 x1 . SNo x0SNo x1∀ x2 . x2x0∀ x3 . x3x1SetAdjoin x2 (Sing 2) = SetAdjoin x3 (Sing 2)x2 = x3 (proof)
Known ReplIReplI : ∀ x0 . ∀ x1 : ι → ι . ∀ x2 . x2x0x1 x2prim5 x0 x1
Theorem 25d53..SNo_pair_prop_2_Subq : ∀ x0 x1 x2 x3 . SNo x1SNo x2SNo x3SNo_pair x0 x1 = SNo_pair x2 x3x1x3 (proof)
Theorem SNo_pair_prop_2SNo_pair_prop_2 : ∀ x0 x1 x2 x3 . SNo x0SNo x1SNo x2SNo x3SNo_pair x0 x1 = SNo_pair x2 x3x1 = x3 (proof)
Known andIandI : ∀ x0 x1 : ο . x0x1and x0 x1
Theorem SNo_pair_propSNo_pair_prop : ∀ x0 x1 x2 x3 . SNo x0SNo x1SNo x2SNo x3SNo_pair x0 x1 = SNo_pair x2 x3and (x0 = x2) (x1 = x3) (proof)
Known Repl_EmptyRepl_Empty : ∀ x0 : ι → ι . prim5 0 x0 = 0
Known binunion_idrbinunion_idr : ∀ x0 . binunion x0 0 = x0
Theorem SNo_pair_0SNo_pair_0 : ∀ x0 . SNo_pair x0 0 = x0 (proof)
Definition CSNoCSNo := λ x0 . ∀ x1 : ο . (∀ x2 . and (SNo x2) (∀ x3 : ο . (∀ x4 . and (SNo x4) (x0 = SNo_pair x2 x4)x3)x3)x1)x1
Theorem CSNo_ICSNo_I : ∀ x0 x1 . SNo x0SNo x1CSNo (SNo_pair x0 x1) (proof)
Theorem CSNo_ECSNo_E : ∀ x0 . CSNo x0∀ x1 : ι → ο . (∀ x2 x3 . SNo x2SNo x3x0 = SNo_pair x2 x3x1 (SNo_pair x2 x3))x1 x0 (proof)
Known SNo_0SNo_0 : SNo 0
Theorem SNo_CSNoSNo_CSNo : ∀ x0 . SNo x0CSNo x0 (proof)
Definition Complex_iComplex_i := SNo_pair 0 1
Known SNo_1SNo_1 : SNo 1
Theorem SNo_Complex_iSNo_Complex_i : CSNo Complex_i (proof)
Definition CSNo_ReCSNo_Re := λ x0 . prim0 (λ x1 . and (SNo x1) (∀ x2 : ο . (∀ x3 . and (SNo x3) (x0 = SNo_pair x1 x3)x2)x2))
Definition CSNo_ImCSNo_Im := λ x0 . prim0 (λ x1 . and (SNo x1) (x0 = SNo_pair (CSNo_Re x0) x1))
Known Eps_i_exEps_i_ex : ∀ x0 : ι → ο . (∀ x1 : ο . (∀ x2 . x0 x2x1)x1)x0 (prim0 x0)
Theorem CSNo_Re1CSNo_Re1 : ∀ x0 . CSNo x0and (SNo (CSNo_Re x0)) (∀ x1 : ο . (∀ x2 . and (SNo x2) (x0 = SNo_pair (CSNo_Re x0) x2)x1)x1) (proof)
Theorem CSNo_Re2CSNo_Re2 : ∀ x0 x1 . SNo x0SNo x1CSNo_Re (SNo_pair x0 x1) = x0 (proof)
Theorem CSNo_Im1CSNo_Im1 : ∀ x0 . CSNo x0and (SNo (CSNo_Im x0)) (x0 = SNo_pair (CSNo_Re x0) (CSNo_Im x0)) (proof)
Theorem CSNo_Im2CSNo_Im2 : ∀ x0 x1 . SNo x0SNo x1CSNo_Im (SNo_pair x0 x1) = x1 (proof)
Theorem CSNo_ReRCSNo_ReR : ∀ x0 . CSNo x0SNo (CSNo_Re x0) (proof)
Theorem CSNo_ImRCSNo_ImR : ∀ x0 . CSNo x0SNo (CSNo_Im x0) (proof)
Theorem CSNo_ReImCSNo_ReIm : ∀ x0 . CSNo x0x0 = SNo_pair (CSNo_Re x0) (CSNo_Im x0) (proof)
Theorem CSNo_ReIm_splitCSNo_ReIm_split : ∀ x0 x1 . CSNo x0CSNo x1CSNo_Re x0 = CSNo_Re x1CSNo_Im x0 = CSNo_Im x1x0 = x1 (proof)
Param add_SNoadd_SNo : ιιι
Definition add_CSNoadd_CSNo := λ x0 x1 . SNo_pair (add_SNo (CSNo_Re x0) (CSNo_Re x1)) (add_SNo (CSNo_Im x0) (CSNo_Im x1))
Param mul_SNomul_SNo : ιιι
Param minus_SNominus_SNo : ιι
Definition mul_CSNomul_CSNo := λ x0 x1 . SNo_pair (add_SNo (mul_SNo (CSNo_Re x0) (CSNo_Re x1)) (minus_SNo (mul_SNo (CSNo_Im x0) (CSNo_Im x1)))) (add_SNo (mul_SNo (CSNo_Re x0) (CSNo_Im x1)) (mul_SNo (CSNo_Im x0) (CSNo_Re x1)))
Param ReplSep2ReplSep2 : ι(ιι) → (ιιο) → CT2 ι
Param Eps_i_realset : ι
Param TrueTrue : ο
Definition f5776.. := ReplSep2 Eps_i_realset (λ x0 . Eps_i_realset) (λ x0 x1 . True) SNo_pair