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Proofgold Signed Transaction

PrEvg../664f5.. 49.00 bars
TMYeV../cd14e.. ownership of 48643.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMNDh../d8bf4.. ownership of ac8ff.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMd2g../8edc0.. ownership of 3f27c.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMLey../3eb78.. ownership of b8788.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMVVV../aa93d.. ownership of 06083.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMNZU../a0cd9.. ownership of 585f4.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMMGD../dd04c.. ownership of 41da4.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMVyN../e62c3.. ownership of 99d67.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMJsy../8aa59.. ownership of 31719.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMFcy../02f37.. ownership of 08e07.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMaMZ../f17e4.. ownership of 10dfd.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMPVN../e5666.. ownership of b0871.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMc7n../cb9bd.. ownership of 2b3a3.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMRpY../710a0.. ownership of de354.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMatS../87bdd.. ownership of 8c503.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMRPF../3d13b.. ownership of 557ea.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMXjv../4ca7f.. ownership of 18cb3.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMJ2j../a5f87.. ownership of bbb4d.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMXzo../5edc2.. ownership of 2f8d2.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMMBz../7d606.. ownership of 79610.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMMHq../879c4.. ownership of 29614.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMaRM../ff908.. ownership of 7571e.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMShK../ff3bf.. ownership of b4c6f.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMRpM../aca72.. ownership of 4ca4e.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMdeB../0b633.. ownership of 7a33c.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMPp7../edead.. ownership of ef79e.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMd2c../638b7.. ownership of d0d7f.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMNta../baf21.. ownership of 89ac2.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMWMo../2a2a0.. ownership of 30c0c.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMRBY../b27e4.. ownership of 4495b.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMdWz../d4b3d.. ownership of 5950e.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMNH7../6bf1a.. ownership of a9ede.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMVRc../6ab55.. ownership of b2d9e.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMcgT../d5638.. ownership of e275a.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMT6L../de607.. ownership of 6a5f4.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMLUX../f86e8.. ownership of f85aa.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMHFo../4fe5a.. ownership of 77eb0.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMNVH../02262.. ownership of 5aa3e.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMMcH../14449.. ownership of c44ec.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMRAw../e3b70.. ownership of 40d48.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMLFf../e03c0.. ownership of a19af.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMZs8../d1e6b.. ownership of 338c7.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMLiB../1246e.. ownership of 7ffa0.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMYNm../2b7a3.. ownership of eebd0.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMF6Z../f28cd.. ownership of 26b88.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMHab../b2acb.. ownership of 29c71.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMXQ7../ea277.. ownership of 57def.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMcTw../94c19.. ownership of 72499.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMTft../1990e.. ownership of d5b81.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMdRz../def4b.. ownership of b9dfd.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMUHr../876fe.. ownership of d47b4.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMJCC../d363e.. ownership of ddef7.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMNpb../e8d42.. ownership of 3f786.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMJbf../4f0f8.. ownership of 658f9.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMdg8../6c319.. ownership of 0a8dd.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMUr4../86d0a.. ownership of d4c09.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMPyw../20de7.. ownership of b4782.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMKws../61d25.. ownership of b777a.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMXbW../9a345.. ownership of 91bfe.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
TMLcf../ae5d1.. ownership of b6f32.. as prop with payaddr PrGxv.. rights free controlledby PrGxv.. upto 0
PUUci../70f68.. doc published by PrGxv..
Known 8106d..notI : ∀ x0 : ο . (x0False)not x0
Known notEnotE : ∀ x0 : ο . not x0x0False
Theorem 91bfe..dnegI : ∀ x0 : ο . x0not (not x0) (proof)
Known 5f92b..dneg : ∀ x0 : ο . not (not x0)x0
Theorem b4782..contra : ∀ x0 : ο . (not x0False)x0 (proof)
Known 47706..xmcases : ∀ x0 x1 : ο . (x0x1)(not x0x1)x1
Theorem 0a8dd..keepcopy : ∀ x0 : ο . (not x0x0)x0 (proof)
Known dcbd9..orIL : ∀ x0 x1 : ο . x0or x0 x1
Known eca40..orIR : ∀ x0 x1 : ο . x1or x0 x1
Known FalseEFalseE : False∀ x0 : ο . x0
Theorem 3f786..orI_contra : ∀ x0 x1 : ο . (not x0not x1False)or x0 x1 (proof)
Theorem d47b4..orI_imp1 : ∀ x0 x1 : ο . (x0x1)or (not x0) x1 (proof)
Theorem d5b81..orI_imp2 : ∀ x0 x1 : ο . (x1x0)or x0 (not x1) (proof)
Known andEandE : ∀ x0 x1 : ο . and x0 x1∀ x2 : ο . (x0x1x2)x2
Theorem 57def..tab_pos_and : ∀ x0 x1 : ο . and x0 x1(x0x1False)False (proof)
Known 37124..orE : ∀ x0 x1 : ο . or x0 x1∀ x2 : ο . (x0x2)(x1x2)x2
Theorem 26b88..tab_pos_or : ∀ x0 x1 : ο . or x0 x1(x0False)(x1False)False (proof)
Theorem 7ffa0..tab_pos_imp : ∀ x0 x1 : ο . (x0x1)(not x0False)(x1False)False (proof)
Known d182e..iffE : ∀ x0 x1 : ο . iff x0 x1∀ x2 : ο . (x0x1x2)(not x0not x1x2)x2
Theorem a19af..tab_pos_iff : ∀ x0 x1 : ο . iff x0 x1(x0x1False)(not x0not x1False)False (proof)
Theorem c44ec..tab_neg_imp : ∀ x0 x1 : ο . not (x0x1)(x0not x1False)False (proof)
Known 7c02f..andI : ∀ x0 x1 : ο . x0x1and x0 x1
Theorem 77eb0..tab_neg_and : ∀ x0 x1 : ο . not (and x0 x1)(not x0False)(not x1False)False (proof)
Theorem 6a5f4..tab_neg_or : ∀ x0 x1 : ο . not (or x0 x1)(not x0not x1False)False (proof)
Known 32c82..iffI : ∀ x0 x1 : ο . (x0x1)(x1x0)iff x0 x1
Theorem b2d9e..tab_neg_iff : ∀ x0 x1 : ο . not (iff x0 x1)(x0not x1False)(not x0x1False)False (proof)
Known 2540e..prop_ext : ∀ x0 x1 : ο . iff x0 x1x0 = x1
Theorem prop_ext_2prop_ext_2 : ∀ x0 x1 : ο . (x0x1)(x1x0)x0 = x1 (proof)
Theorem 30c0c..eqo_iff : ∀ x0 x1 : ο . x0 = x1iff x0 x1 (proof)
Theorem d0d7f..tab_pos_eqo : ∀ x0 x1 : ο . x0 = x1(x0x1False)(not x0not x1False)False (proof)
Theorem 7a33c..tab_neg_eqo : ∀ x0 x1 : ο . not (x0 = x1)(x0not x1False)(not x0x1False)False (proof)
Theorem b4c6f..tab_pos_all_i : ∀ x0 : ι → ο . ∀ x1 . (∀ x2 . x0 x2)(x0 x1False)False (proof)
Theorem 29614..tab_neg_all_i : ∀ x0 : ι → ο . not (∀ x1 . x0 x1)(∀ x1 . not (x0 x1)False)False (proof)
Theorem 2f8d2..tab_pos_ex_i : ∀ x0 : ι → ο . (∀ x1 : ο . (∀ x2 . x0 x2x1)x1)(∀ x1 . x0 x1False)False (proof)
Theorem 2f8d2..tab_pos_ex_i : ∀ x0 : ι → ο . (∀ x1 : ο . (∀ x2 . x0 x2x1)x1)(∀ x1 . x0 x1False)False (proof)
Theorem 18cb3..tab_mat_i_o : ∀ x0 : ι → ο . ∀ x1 x2 . x0 x1not (x0 x2)(not (x1 = x2)False)False (proof)
Theorem 8c503..tab_mat_i_i_o : ∀ x0 : ι → ι → ο . ∀ x1 x2 x3 x4 . x0 x1 x2not (x0 x3 x4)(not (x1 = x3)False)(not (x2 = x4)False)False (proof)
Theorem 2b3a3..tab_confront : ∀ x0 x1 x2 x3 . x0 = x1not (x2 = x3)(not (x0 = x2)not (x1 = x2)False)(not (x0 = x3)not (x1 = x3)False)False (proof)
Theorem f_eq_if_equal_i_i : ∀ x0 : ι → ι . ∀ x1 x2 . x1 = x2x0 x1 = x0 x2 (proof)
Theorem 31719..tab_dec_i : ∀ x0 : ι → ι . ∀ x1 x2 . not (x0 x1 = x0 x2)(not (x1 = x2)False)False (proof)
Theorem f_eq_i_if_equal_i_i_i : ∀ x0 : ι → ι → ι . ∀ x1 x2 x3 x4 . x1 = x2x3 = x4x0 x1 x3 = x0 x2 x4 (proof)
Theorem 06083..tab_dec_i_i : ∀ x0 : ι → ι → ι . ∀ x1 x2 x3 x4 . not (x0 x1 x3 = x0 x2 x4)(not (x1 = x2)False)(not (x3 = x4)False)False (proof)
Theorem 3f27c..tab_pos_eqf_i_i : ∀ x0 x1 : ι → ι . ∀ x2 . x0 = x1(x0 x2 = x1 x2False)False (proof)
Theorem 48643..tab_pos_neqf_i_i : ∀ x0 x1 : ι → ι . not (x0 = x1)(∀ x2 . not (x0 x2 = x1 x2)False)False (proof)