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Proofgold Signed Transaction

Pr7pr../77a92.. 19.98 bars
TMUYH../13cc6.. ownership of 3fd34.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMRnW../8f289.. ownership of 6a6e0.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMGq5../f9d88.. ownership of b3bff.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMYnZ../b4457.. ownership of d72f2.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMSvv../e69d3.. ownership of a1e2a.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMbPi../e36b2.. ownership of 8462f.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMJdF../250a9.. ownership of 0ee6c.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMUya../d6efb.. ownership of 9bf8c.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMQmp../19229.. ownership of f1f4e.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMaDj../c3289.. ownership of 42d29.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMJrw../ef9f0.. ownership of df137.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMGz5../43265.. ownership of 50757.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMFmB../d6816.. ownership of 1dd20.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMSw7../8855f.. ownership of 2e601.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMcBo../3c2b5.. ownership of 3948d.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMdTT../9f586.. ownership of e53f7.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMYgm../e33dd.. ownership of 59ae6.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMS87../36004.. ownership of 454d7.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMR4F../e0383.. ownership of 9c6fc.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMWnu../8a787.. ownership of a5391.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMUHU../fd435.. ownership of f7509.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMaHc../500ad.. ownership of 8dde2.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMcCv../42862.. ownership of 649ea.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMLK9../28b17.. ownership of 29da6.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMZfq../ef16d.. ownership of 43182.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMHkc../b1296.. ownership of 09a91.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMG8m../82183.. ownership of 39fb6.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMQuK../be202.. ownership of 4b873.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMHJV../54bb2.. ownership of 52772.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMaXA../3e73a.. ownership of 1b158.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMWnP../22ced.. ownership of 3bb23.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMFYh../f6dff.. ownership of cfa53.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMach../fd39d.. ownership of 49b93.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMQcH../89190.. ownership of 57148.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMe1K../3e459.. ownership of 2eb5d.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
TMGre../f8979.. ownership of f808b.. as prop with payaddr Pr6Pc.. rights free controlledby Pr6Pc.. upto 0
PUPin../dbe54.. doc published by Pr6Pc..
Param apap : ιιι
Param lamSigma : ι(ιι) → ι
Param ordsuccordsucc : ιι
Param If_iIf_i : οιιι
Known betabeta : ∀ x0 . ∀ x1 : ι → ι . ∀ x2 . x2x0ap (lam x0 x1) x2 = x1 x2
Known In_0_5In_0_5 : 05
Known If_i_1If_i_1 : ∀ x0 : ο . ∀ x1 x2 . x0If_i x0 x1 x2 = x1
Theorem tuple_5_0_eqtuple_5_0_eq : ∀ x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 . ap (lam 5 (λ x6 . If_i (x6 = 0) x0 (If_i (x6 = 1) x1 (If_i (x6 = 2) x2 (If_i (x6 = 3) x3 x4))))) 0 = x0 (proof)
Known In_1_5In_1_5 : 15
Definition FalseFalse := ∀ x0 : ο . x0
Definition notnot := λ x0 : ο . x0False
Known If_i_0If_i_0 : ∀ x0 : ο . ∀ x1 x2 . not x0If_i x0 x1 x2 = x2
Known neq_1_0neq_1_0 : 1 = 0∀ x0 : ο . x0
Theorem tuple_5_1_eqtuple_5_1_eq : ∀ x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 . ap (lam 5 (λ x6 . If_i (x6 = 0) x0 (If_i (x6 = 1) x1 (If_i (x6 = 2) x2 (If_i (x6 = 3) x3 x4))))) 1 = x1 (proof)
Known In_2_5In_2_5 : 25
Known neq_2_0neq_2_0 : 2 = 0∀ x0 : ο . x0
Known neq_2_1neq_2_1 : 2 = 1∀ x0 : ο . x0
Theorem tuple_5_2_eqtuple_5_2_eq : ∀ x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 . ap (lam 5 (λ x6 . If_i (x6 = 0) x0 (If_i (x6 = 1) x1 (If_i (x6 = 2) x2 (If_i (x6 = 3) x3 x4))))) 2 = x2 (proof)
Known In_3_5In_3_5 : 35
Known neq_3_0neq_3_0 : 3 = 0∀ x0 : ο . x0
Known neq_3_1neq_3_1 : 3 = 1∀ x0 : ο . x0
Known neq_3_2neq_3_2 : 3 = 2∀ x0 : ο . x0
Theorem tuple_5_3_eqtuple_5_3_eq : ∀ x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 . ap (lam 5 (λ x6 . If_i (x6 = 0) x0 (If_i (x6 = 1) x1 (If_i (x6 = 2) x2 (If_i (x6 = 3) x3 x4))))) 3 = x3 (proof)
Known In_4_5In_4_5 : 45
Known neq_4_0neq_4_0 : 4 = 0∀ x0 : ο . x0
Known neq_4_1neq_4_1 : 4 = 1∀ x0 : ο . x0
Known neq_4_2neq_4_2 : 4 = 2∀ x0 : ο . x0
Known neq_4_3neq_4_3 : 4 = 3∀ x0 : ο . x0
Theorem tuple_5_4_eqtuple_5_4_eq : ∀ x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 . ap (lam 5 (λ x6 . If_i (x6 = 0) x0 (If_i (x6 = 1) x1 (If_i (x6 = 2) x2 (If_i (x6 = 3) x3 x4))))) 4 = x4 (proof)
Known In_0_6In_0_6 : 06
Theorem tuple_6_0_eqtuple_6_0_eq : ∀ x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 . ap (lam 6 (λ x7 . If_i (x7 = 0) x0 (If_i (x7 = 1) x1 (If_i (x7 = 2) x2 (If_i (x7 = 3) x3 (If_i (x7 = 4) x4 x5)))))) 0 = x0 (proof)
Known In_1_6In_1_6 : 16
Theorem tuple_6_1_eqtuple_6_1_eq : ∀ x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 . ap (lam 6 (λ x7 . If_i (x7 = 0) x0 (If_i (x7 = 1) x1 (If_i (x7 = 2) x2 (If_i (x7 = 3) x3 (If_i (x7 = 4) x4 x5)))))) 1 = x1 (proof)
Known In_2_6In_2_6 : 26
Theorem tuple_6_2_eqtuple_6_2_eq : ∀ x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 . ap (lam 6 (λ x7 . If_i (x7 = 0) x0 (If_i (x7 = 1) x1 (If_i (x7 = 2) x2 (If_i (x7 = 3) x3 (If_i (x7 = 4) x4 x5)))))) 2 = x2 (proof)
Known In_3_6In_3_6 : 36
Theorem tuple_6_3_eqtuple_6_3_eq : ∀ x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 . ap (lam 6 (λ x7 . If_i (x7 = 0) x0 (If_i (x7 = 1) x1 (If_i (x7 = 2) x2 (If_i (x7 = 3) x3 (If_i (x7 = 4) x4 x5)))))) 3 = x3 (proof)
Known In_4_6In_4_6 : 46
Theorem tuple_6_4_eqtuple_6_4_eq : ∀ x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 . ap (lam 6 (λ x7 . If_i (x7 = 0) x0 (If_i (x7 = 1) x1 (If_i (x7 = 2) x2 (If_i (x7 = 3) x3 (If_i (x7 = 4) x4 x5)))))) 4 = x4 (proof)
Known In_5_6In_5_6 : 56
Known neq_5_0neq_5_0 : 5 = 0∀ x0 : ο . x0
Known neq_5_1neq_5_1 : 5 = 1∀ x0 : ο . x0
Known neq_5_2neq_5_2 : 5 = 2∀ x0 : ο . x0
Known neq_5_3neq_5_3 : 5 = 3∀ x0 : ο . x0
Known neq_5_4neq_5_4 : 5 = 4∀ x0 : ο . x0
Theorem tuple_6_5_eqtuple_6_5_eq : ∀ x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 . ap (lam 6 (λ x7 . If_i (x7 = 0) x0 (If_i (x7 = 1) x1 (If_i (x7 = 2) x2 (If_i (x7 = 3) x3 (If_i (x7 = 4) x4 x5)))))) 5 = x5 (proof)
Known In_0_7In_0_7 : 07
Theorem tuple_7_0_eqtuple_7_0_eq : ∀ x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 . ap (lam 7 (λ x8 . If_i (x8 = 0) x0 (If_i (x8 = 1) x1 (If_i (x8 = 2) x2 (If_i (x8 = 3) x3 (If_i (x8 = 4) x4 (If_i (x8 = 5) x5 x6))))))) 0 = x0 (proof)
Known In_1_7In_1_7 : 17
Theorem tuple_7_1_eqtuple_7_1_eq : ∀ x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 . ap (lam 7 (λ x8 . If_i (x8 = 0) x0 (If_i (x8 = 1) x1 (If_i (x8 = 2) x2 (If_i (x8 = 3) x3 (If_i (x8 = 4) x4 (If_i (x8 = 5) x5 x6))))))) 1 = x1 (proof)
Known In_2_7In_2_7 : 27
Theorem tuple_7_2_eqtuple_7_2_eq : ∀ x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 . ap (lam 7 (λ x8 . If_i (x8 = 0) x0 (If_i (x8 = 1) x1 (If_i (x8 = 2) x2 (If_i (x8 = 3) x3 (If_i (x8 = 4) x4 (If_i (x8 = 5) x5 x6))))))) 2 = x2 (proof)
Known In_3_7In_3_7 : 37
Theorem tuple_7_3_eqtuple_7_3_eq : ∀ x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 . ap (lam 7 (λ x8 . If_i (x8 = 0) x0 (If_i (x8 = 1) x1 (If_i (x8 = 2) x2 (If_i (x8 = 3) x3 (If_i (x8 = 4) x4 (If_i (x8 = 5) x5 x6))))))) 3 = x3 (proof)
Known In_4_7In_4_7 : 47
Theorem tuple_7_4_eqtuple_7_4_eq : ∀ x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 . ap (lam 7 (λ x8 . If_i (x8 = 0) x0 (If_i (x8 = 1) x1 (If_i (x8 = 2) x2 (If_i (x8 = 3) x3 (If_i (x8 = 4) x4 (If_i (x8 = 5) x5 x6))))))) 4 = x4 (proof)
Known In_5_7In_5_7 : 57
Theorem tuple_7_5_eqtuple_7_5_eq : ∀ x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 . ap (lam 7 (λ x8 . If_i (x8 = 0) x0 (If_i (x8 = 1) x1 (If_i (x8 = 2) x2 (If_i (x8 = 3) x3 (If_i (x8 = 4) x4 (If_i (x8 = 5) x5 x6))))))) 5 = x5 (proof)
Known In_6_7In_6_7 : 67
Known neq_6_0neq_6_0 : 6 = 0∀ x0 : ο . x0
Known neq_6_1neq_6_1 : 6 = 1∀ x0 : ο . x0
Known neq_6_2neq_6_2 : 6 = 2∀ x0 : ο . x0
Known neq_6_3neq_6_3 : 6 = 3∀ x0 : ο . x0
Known neq_6_4neq_6_4 : 6 = 4∀ x0 : ο . x0
Known neq_6_5neq_6_5 : 6 = 5∀ x0 : ο . x0
Theorem tuple_7_6_eqtuple_7_6_eq : ∀ x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 . ap (lam 7 (λ x8 . If_i (x8 = 0) x0 (If_i (x8 = 1) x1 (If_i (x8 = 2) x2 (If_i (x8 = 3) x3 (If_i (x8 = 4) x4 (If_i (x8 = 5) x5 x6))))))) 6 = x6 (proof)