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Proofgold Signed Transaction

Pr3Yd../ba0eb.. 0.10 bars
TMcQV../6eb7b.. ownership of a1b53.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMJeN../4aaba.. ownership of ff5f6.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMGbS../aa7c7.. ownership of 3165d.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMUqH../88e00.. ownership of dac68.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMP4j../3a6b4.. ownership of 9b1d3.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMaeS../4c5e1.. ownership of 9ad5a.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMSFD../256dc.. ownership of b0a9a.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMQD3../70dad.. ownership of c50d3.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMY8k../f9669.. ownership of f5ce3.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMZbb../26a17.. ownership of f4719.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMH79../c0874.. ownership of 4e4b3.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMaVU../4512c.. ownership of 70c0b.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMKnS../ead97.. ownership of df438.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMbxJ../bd78d.. ownership of f55df.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMFJJ../773ab.. ownership of b3e1c.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMZ4p../498ec.. ownership of acfbc.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMMFx../37498.. ownership of 40f35.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMRqe../1a507.. ownership of 01aec.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMWi7../5b58c.. ownership of 4af9d.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMdEA../e076a.. ownership of 2e094.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMKtf../51952.. ownership of c954c.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMTSk../b9c48.. ownership of caa0a.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMXt4../48bda.. ownership of c5d79.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMdtZ../a00d6.. ownership of ab690.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMXuN../ed500.. ownership of 4fc91.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMTeo../8d4be.. ownership of 8eacd.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMcG2../18e0f.. ownership of e31ef.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMSJL../5197e.. ownership of 9d6d3.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMFES../30720.. ownership of f495a.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMPtk../381f5.. ownership of 90648.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMVPV../b07e2.. ownership of c8ce6.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMLFQ../1d4d5.. ownership of 26cc4.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMKfM../c6d90.. ownership of eca38.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMUq7../671cc.. ownership of 606ea.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMTqo../23a4c.. ownership of 4b0a5.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMVm9../b5092.. ownership of 68feb.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
PUe9S../7a6de.. doc published by PrCmT..
Known df_preset__df_drs__df_poset__df_plt__df_lub__df_glb__df_join__df_meet__df_toset__df_p0__df_p1__df_lat__df_clat__df_odu__df_ipo__df_dlat__df_ps__df_tsr : ∀ x0 : ο . (wceq cpreset (cab (λ x1 . wsbc (λ x2 . wsbc (λ x3 . wral (λ x4 . wral (λ x5 . wral (λ x6 . wa (wbr (cv x4) (cv x4) (cv x3)) (wa (wbr (cv x4) (cv x5) (cv x3)) (wbr (cv x5) (cv x6) (cv x3))wbr (cv x4) (cv x6) (cv x3))) (λ x6 . cv x2)) (λ x5 . cv x2)) (λ x4 . cv x2)) (cfv (cv x1) cple)) (cfv (cv x1) cbs)))wceq cdrs (crab (λ x1 . wsbc (λ x2 . wsbc (λ x3 . wa (wne (cv x2) c0) (wral (λ x4 . wral (λ x5 . wrex (λ x6 . wa (wbr (cv x4) (cv x6) (cv x3)) (wbr (cv x5) (cv x6) (cv x3))) (λ x6 . cv x2)) (λ x5 . cv x2)) (λ x4 . cv x2))) (cfv (cv x1) cple)) (cfv (cv x1) cbs)) (λ x1 . cpreset))wceq cpo (cab (λ x1 . wex (λ x2 . wex (λ x3 . w3a (wceq (cv x2) (cfv (cv x1) cbs)) (wceq (cv x3) (cfv (cv x1) cple)) (wral (λ x4 . wral (λ x5 . wral (λ x6 . w3a (wbr (cv x4) (cv x4) (cv x3)) (wa (wbr (cv x4) (cv x5) (cv x3)) (wbr (cv x5) (cv x4) (cv x3))wceq (cv x4) (cv x5)) (wa (wbr (cv x4) (cv x5) (cv x3)) (wbr (cv x5) (cv x6) (cv x3))wbr (cv x4) (cv x6) (cv x3))) (λ x6 . cv x2)) (λ x5 . cv x2)) (λ x4 . cv x2))))))wceq cplt (cmpt (λ x1 . cvv) (λ x1 . cdif (cfv (cv x1) cple) cid))wceq club (cmpt (λ x1 . cvv) (λ x1 . cres (cmpt (λ x2 . cpw (cfv (cv x1) cbs)) (λ x2 . crio (λ x3 . wa (wral (λ x4 . wbr (cv x4) (cv x3) (cfv (cv x1) cple)) (λ x4 . cv x2)) (wral (λ x4 . wral (λ x5 . wbr (cv x5) (cv x4) (cfv (cv x1) cple)) (λ x5 . cv x2)wbr (cv x3) (cv x4) (cfv (cv x1) cple)) (λ x4 . cfv (cv x1) cbs))) (λ x3 . cfv (cv x1) cbs))) (cab (λ x2 . wreu (λ x3 . wa (wral (λ x4 . wbr (cv x4) (cv x3) (cfv (cv x1) cple)) (λ x4 . cv x2)) (wral (λ x4 . wral (λ x5 . wbr (cv x5) (cv x4) (cfv (cv x1) cple)) (λ x5 . cv x2)wbr (cv x3) (cv x4) (cfv (cv x1) cple)) (λ x4 . cfv (cv x1) cbs))) (λ x3 . cfv (cv x1) cbs)))))wceq cglb (cmpt (λ x1 . cvv) (λ x1 . cres (cmpt (λ x2 . cpw (cfv (cv x1) cbs)) (λ x2 . crio (λ x3 . wa (wral (λ x4 . wbr (cv x3) (cv x4) (cfv (cv x1) cple)) (λ x4 . cv x2)) (wral (λ x4 . wral (λ x5 . wbr (cv x4) (cv x5) (cfv (cv x1) cple)) (λ x5 . cv x2)wbr (cv x4) (cv x3) (cfv (cv x1) cple)) (λ x4 . cfv (cv x1) cbs))) (λ x3 . cfv (cv x1) cbs))) (cab (λ x2 . wreu (λ x3 . wa (wral (λ x4 . wbr (cv x3) (cv x4) (cfv (cv x1) cple)) (λ x4 . cv x2)) (wral (λ x4 . wral (λ x5 . wbr (cv x4) (cv x5) (cfv (cv x1) cple)) (λ x5 . cv x2)wbr (cv x4) (cv x3) (cfv (cv x1) cple)) (λ x4 . cfv (cv x1) cbs))) (λ x3 . cfv (cv x1) cbs)))))wceq cjn (cmpt (λ x1 . cvv) (λ x1 . coprab (λ x2 x3 x4 . wbr (cpr (cv x2) (cv x3)) (cv x4) (cfv (cv x1) club))))wceq cmee (cmpt (λ x1 . cvv) (λ x1 . coprab (λ x2 x3 x4 . wbr (cpr (cv x2) (cv x3)) (cv x4) (cfv (cv x1) cglb))))wceq ctos (crab (λ x1 . wsbc (λ x2 . wsbc (λ x3 . wral (λ x4 . wral (λ x5 . wo (wbr (cv x4) (cv x5) (cv x3)) (wbr (cv x5) (cv x4) (cv x3))) (λ x5 . cv x2)) (λ x4 . cv x2)) (cfv (cv x1) cple)) (cfv (cv x1) cbs)) (λ x1 . cpo))wceq cp0 (cmpt (λ x1 . cvv) (λ x1 . cfv (cfv (cv x1) cbs) (cfv (cv x1) cglb)))wceq cp1 (cmpt (λ x1 . cvv) (λ x1 . cfv (cfv (cv x1) cbs) (cfv (cv x1) club)))wceq clat (crab (λ x1 . wa (wceq (cdm (cfv (cv x1) cjn)) (cxp (cfv (cv x1) cbs) (cfv (cv x1) cbs))) (wceq (cdm (cfv (cv x1) cmee)) (cxp (cfv (cv x1) cbs) (cfv (cv x1) cbs)))) (λ x1 . cpo))wceq ccla (crab (λ x1 . wa (wceq (cdm (cfv (cv x1) club)) (cpw (cfv (cv x1) cbs))) (wceq (cdm (cfv (cv x1) cglb)) (cpw (cfv (cv x1) cbs)))) (λ x1 . cpo))wceq codu (cmpt (λ x1 . cvv) (λ x1 . co (cv x1) (cop (cfv cnx cple) (ccnv (cfv (cv x1) cple))) csts))wceq cipo (cmpt (λ x1 . cvv) (λ x1 . csb (copab (λ x2 x3 . wa (wss (cpr (cv x2) (cv x3)) (cv x1)) (wss (cv x2) (cv x3)))) (λ x2 . cun (cpr (cop (cfv cnx cbs) (cv x1)) (cop (cfv cnx cts) (cfv (cv x2) cordt))) (cpr (cop (cfv cnx cple) (cv x2)) (cop (cfv cnx coc) (cmpt (λ x3 . cv x1) (λ x3 . cuni (crab (λ x4 . wceq (cin (cv x4) (cv x3)) c0) (λ x4 . cv x1)))))))))wceq cdlat (crab (λ x1 . wsbc (λ x2 . wsbc (λ x3 . wsbc (λ x4 . wral (λ x5 . wral (λ x6 . wral (λ x7 . wceq (co (cv x5) (co (cv x6) (cv x7) (cv x3)) (cv x4)) (co (co (cv x5) (cv x6) (cv x4)) (co (cv x5) (cv x7) (cv x4)) (cv x3))) (λ x7 . cv x2)) (λ x6 . cv x2)) (λ x5 . cv x2)) (cfv (cv x1) cmee)) (cfv (cv x1) cjn)) (cfv (cv x1) cbs)) (λ x1 . clat))wceq cps (cab (λ x1 . w3a (wrel (cv x1)) (wss (ccom (cv x1) (cv x1)) (cv x1)) (wceq (cin (cv x1) (ccnv (cv x1))) (cres cid (cuni (cuni (cv x1)))))))wceq ctsr (crab (λ x1 . wss (cxp (cdm (cv x1)) (cdm (cv x1))) (cun (cv x1) (ccnv (cv x1)))) (λ x1 . cps))x0)x0
Theorem df_preset : wceq cpreset (cab (λ x0 . wsbc (λ x1 . wsbc (λ x2 . wral (λ x3 . wral (λ x4 . wral (λ x5 . wa (wbr (cv x3) (cv x3) (cv x2)) (wa (wbr (cv x3) (cv x4) (cv x2)) (wbr (cv x4) (cv x5) (cv x2))wbr (cv x3) (cv x5) (cv x2))) (λ x5 . cv x1)) (λ x4 . cv x1)) (λ x3 . cv x1)) (cfv (cv x0) cple)) (cfv (cv x0) cbs)))

Theorem df_drs : wceq cdrs (crab (λ x0 . wsbc (λ x1 . wsbc (λ x2 . wa (wne (cv x1) c0) (wral (λ x3 . wral (λ x4 . wrex (λ x5 . wa (wbr (cv x3) (cv x5) (cv x2)) (wbr (cv x4) (cv x5) (cv x2))) (λ x5 . cv x1)) (λ x4 . cv x1)) (λ x3 . cv x1))) (cfv (cv x0) cple)) (cfv (cv x0) cbs)) (λ x0 . cpreset))

Theorem df_poset : wceq cpo (cab (λ x0 . wex (λ x1 . wex (λ x2 . w3a (wceq (cv x1) (cfv (cv x0) cbs)) (wceq (cv x2) (cfv (cv x0) cple)) (wral (λ x3 . wral (λ x4 . wral (λ x5 . w3a (wbr (cv x3) (cv x3) (cv x2)) (wa (wbr (cv x3) (cv x4) (cv x2)) (wbr (cv x4) (cv x3) (cv x2))wceq (cv x3) (cv x4)) (wa (wbr (cv x3) (cv x4) (cv x2)) (wbr (cv x4) (cv x5) (cv x2))wbr (cv x3) (cv x5) (cv x2))) (λ x5 . cv x1)) (λ x4 . cv x1)) (λ x3 . cv x1))))))

Theorem df_plt : wceq cplt (cmpt (λ x0 . cvv) (λ x0 . cdif (cfv (cv x0) cple) cid))

Theorem df_lub : wceq club (cmpt (λ x0 . cvv) (λ x0 . cres (cmpt (λ x1 . cpw (cfv (cv x0) cbs)) (λ x1 . crio (λ x2 . wa (wral (λ x3 . wbr (cv x3) (cv x2) (cfv (cv x0) cple)) (λ x3 . cv x1)) (wral (λ x3 . wral (λ x4 . wbr (cv x4) (cv x3) (cfv (cv x0) cple)) (λ x4 . cv x1)wbr (cv x2) (cv x3) (cfv (cv x0) cple)) (λ x3 . cfv (cv x0) cbs))) (λ x2 . cfv (cv x0) cbs))) (cab (λ x1 . wreu (λ x2 . wa (wral (λ x3 . wbr (cv x3) (cv x2) (cfv (cv x0) cple)) (λ x3 . cv x1)) (wral (λ x3 . wral (λ x4 . wbr (cv x4) (cv x3) (cfv (cv x0) cple)) (λ x4 . cv x1)wbr (cv x2) (cv x3) (cfv (cv x0) cple)) (λ x3 . cfv (cv x0) cbs))) (λ x2 . cfv (cv x0) cbs)))))

Theorem df_glb : wceq cglb (cmpt (λ x0 . cvv) (λ x0 . cres (cmpt (λ x1 . cpw (cfv (cv x0) cbs)) (λ x1 . crio (λ x2 . wa (wral (λ x3 . wbr (cv x2) (cv x3) (cfv (cv x0) cple)) (λ x3 . cv x1)) (wral (λ x3 . wral (λ x4 . wbr (cv x3) (cv x4) (cfv (cv x0) cple)) (λ x4 . cv x1)wbr (cv x3) (cv x2) (cfv (cv x0) cple)) (λ x3 . cfv (cv x0) cbs))) (λ x2 . cfv (cv x0) cbs))) (cab (λ x1 . wreu (λ x2 . wa (wral (λ x3 . wbr (cv x2) (cv x3) (cfv (cv x0) cple)) (λ x3 . cv x1)) (wral (λ x3 . wral (λ x4 . wbr (cv x3) (cv x4) (cfv (cv x0) cple)) (λ x4 . cv x1)wbr (cv x3) (cv x2) (cfv (cv x0) cple)) (λ x3 . cfv (cv x0) cbs))) (λ x2 . cfv (cv x0) cbs)))))

Theorem df_join : wceq cjn (cmpt (λ x0 . cvv) (λ x0 . coprab (λ x1 x2 x3 . wbr (cpr (cv x1) (cv x2)) (cv x3) (cfv (cv x0) club))))

Theorem df_meet : wceq cmee (cmpt (λ x0 . cvv) (λ x0 . coprab (λ x1 x2 x3 . wbr (cpr (cv x1) (cv x2)) (cv x3) (cfv (cv x0) cglb))))

Theorem df_toset : wceq ctos (crab (λ x0 . wsbc (λ x1 . wsbc (λ x2 . wral (λ x3 . wral (λ x4 . wo (wbr (cv x3) (cv x4) (cv x2)) (wbr (cv x4) (cv x3) (cv x2))) (λ x4 . cv x1)) (λ x3 . cv x1)) (cfv (cv x0) cple)) (cfv (cv x0) cbs)) (λ x0 . cpo))

Theorem df_p0 : wceq cp0 (cmpt (λ x0 . cvv) (λ x0 . cfv (cfv (cv x0) cbs) (cfv (cv x0) cglb)))

Theorem df_p1 : wceq cp1 (cmpt (λ x0 . cvv) (λ x0 . cfv (cfv (cv x0) cbs) (cfv (cv x0) club)))

Theorem df_lat : wceq clat (crab (λ x0 . wa (wceq (cdm (cfv (cv x0) cjn)) (cxp (cfv (cv x0) cbs) (cfv (cv x0) cbs))) (wceq (cdm (cfv (cv x0) cmee)) (cxp (cfv (cv x0) cbs) (cfv (cv x0) cbs)))) (λ x0 . cpo))

Theorem df_clat : wceq ccla (crab (λ x0 . wa (wceq (cdm (cfv (cv x0) club)) (cpw (cfv (cv x0) cbs))) (wceq (cdm (cfv (cv x0) cglb)) (cpw (cfv (cv x0) cbs)))) (λ x0 . cpo))

Theorem df_odu : wceq codu (cmpt (λ x0 . cvv) (λ x0 . co (cv x0) (cop (cfv cnx cple) (ccnv (cfv (cv x0) cple))) csts))

Theorem df_ipo : wceq cipo (cmpt (λ x0 . cvv) (λ x0 . csb (copab (λ x1 x2 . wa (wss (cpr (cv x1) (cv x2)) (cv x0)) (wss (cv x1) (cv x2)))) (λ x1 . cun (cpr (cop (cfv cnx cbs) (cv x0)) (cop (cfv cnx cts) (cfv (cv x1) cordt))) (cpr (cop (cfv cnx cple) (cv x1)) (cop (cfv cnx coc) (cmpt (λ x2 . cv x0) (λ x2 . cuni (crab (λ x3 . wceq (cin (cv x3) (cv x2)) c0) (λ x3 . cv x0)))))))))

Theorem df_dlat : wceq cdlat (crab (λ x0 . wsbc (λ x1 . wsbc (λ x2 . wsbc (λ x3 . wral (λ x4 . wral (λ x5 . wral (λ x6 . wceq (co (cv x4) (co (cv x5) (cv x6) (cv x2)) (cv x3)) (co (co (cv x4) (cv x5) (cv x3)) (co (cv x4) (cv x6) (cv x3)) (cv x2))) (λ x6 . cv x1)) (λ x5 . cv x1)) (λ x4 . cv x1)) (cfv (cv x0) cmee)) (cfv (cv x0) cjn)) (cfv (cv x0) cbs)) (λ x0 . clat))

Theorem df_ps : wceq cps (cab (λ x0 . w3a (wrel (cv x0)) (wss (ccom (cv x0) (cv x0)) (cv x0)) (wceq (cin (cv x0) (ccnv (cv x0))) (cres cid (cuni (cuni (cv x0)))))))

Theorem df_tsr : wceq ctsr (crab (λ x0 . wss (cxp (cdm (cv x0)) (cdm (cv x0))) (cun (cv x0) (ccnv (cv x0)))) (λ x0 . cps))