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Proofgold Signed Transaction

PrKMW../060e7.. 0.10 bars
TMY2E../aeb00.. ownership of 485c9.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMYqe../0680e.. ownership of d2581.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMKcr../0c61c.. ownership of b00c9.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMcxa../b003b.. ownership of 03d56.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMadv../9ae4c.. ownership of d372a.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMdUH../1797a.. ownership of b0641.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMNie../6fed1.. ownership of 6abad.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMPAs../d03aa.. ownership of 576aa.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMb13../af8fb.. ownership of 3c91a.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMNqP../6ebe1.. ownership of abd5d.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMK4v../8321e.. ownership of aac09.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMbqJ../81303.. ownership of e6514.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMWXs../05f89.. ownership of 28af9.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMP9p../5d87b.. ownership of a76e0.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMFW2../efd1a.. ownership of 7ad54.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMSqR../88c4f.. ownership of 2c02f.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMN71../ea059.. ownership of 4f57c.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMat3../e44c6.. ownership of 4e631.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMbMT../c70e3.. ownership of 8729c.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMSjx../5a676.. ownership of 62a65.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMSJw../849d1.. ownership of f44db.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMKZY../d98d9.. ownership of e32b8.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMNdG../d5106.. ownership of 74fcf.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMZCG../224f7.. ownership of 088e7.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMLmk../0ee01.. ownership of 9cb66.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMcs6../4c964.. ownership of 7c0b0.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMQRW../5bcbf.. ownership of 16763.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMLRd../dae7b.. ownership of 41677.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMExo../25e55.. ownership of 615df.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMa1a../de533.. ownership of 11ace.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMFgd../fe5db.. ownership of 4f933.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMT1Q../d216e.. ownership of c08df.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMSwP../0e54f.. ownership of 0dfa7.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMV4W../3f25c.. ownership of d5d03.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMG1q../11f32.. ownership of 817bc.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
TMb4B../28692.. ownership of 63633.. as prop with payaddr PrCmT.. rights free controlledby PrCmT.. upto 0
PUaec../4ee18.. doc published by PrCmT..
Known df_msub__df_mvh__df_mpst__df_msr__df_msta__df_mfs__df_mcls__df_mpps__df_mthm__df_m0s__df_msa__df_mwgfs__df_msyn__df_mtree__df_mst__df_msax__df_mufs__df_muv : ∀ x0 : ο . (wceq cmsub (cmpt (λ x1 . cvv) (λ x1 . cmpt (λ x2 . co (cfv (cv x1) cmrex) (cfv (cv x1) cmvar) cpm) (λ x2 . cmpt (λ x3 . cfv (cv x1) cmex) (λ x3 . cop (cfv (cv x3) c1st) (cfv (cfv (cv x3) c2nd) (cfv (cv x2) (cfv (cv x1) cmrsub)))))))wceq cmvh (cmpt (λ x1 . cvv) (λ x1 . cmpt (λ x2 . cfv (cv x1) cmvar) (λ x2 . cop (cfv (cv x2) (cfv (cv x1) cmty)) (cs1 (cv x2)))))wceq cmpst (cmpt (λ x1 . cvv) (λ x1 . cxp (cxp (crab (λ x2 . wceq (ccnv (cv x2)) (cv x2)) (λ x2 . cpw (cfv (cv x1) cmdv))) (cin (cpw (cfv (cv x1) cmex)) cfn)) (cfv (cv x1) cmex)))wceq cmsr (cmpt (λ x1 . cvv) (λ x1 . cmpt (λ x2 . cfv (cv x1) cmpst) (λ x2 . csb (cfv (cfv (cv x2) c1st) c2nd) (λ x3 . csb (cfv (cv x2) c2nd) (λ x4 . cotp (cin (cfv (cfv (cv x2) c1st) c1st) (csb (cuni (cima (cfv (cv x1) cmvrs) (cun (cv x3) (csn (cv x4))))) (λ x5 . cxp (cv x5) (cv x5)))) (cv x3) (cv x4))))))wceq cmsta (cmpt (λ x1 . cvv) (λ x1 . crn (cfv (cv x1) cmsr)))wceq cmfs (cab (λ x1 . wa (wa (wceq (cin (cfv (cv x1) cmcn) (cfv (cv x1) cmvar)) c0) (wf (cfv (cv x1) cmvar) (cfv (cv x1) cmtc) (cfv (cv x1) cmty))) (wa (wss (cfv (cv x1) cmax) (cfv (cv x1) cmsta)) (wral (λ x2 . wn (wcel (cima (ccnv (cfv (cv x1) cmty)) (csn (cv x2))) cfn)) (λ x2 . cfv (cv x1) cmvt)))))wceq cmcls (cmpt (λ x1 . cvv) (λ x1 . cmpt2 (λ x2 x3 . cpw (cfv (cv x1) cmdv)) (λ x2 x3 . cpw (cfv (cv x1) cmex)) (λ x2 x3 . cint (cab (λ x4 . wa (wss (cun (cv x3) (crn (cfv (cv x1) cmvh))) (cv x4)) (∀ x5 x6 x7 . wcel (cotp (cv x5) (cv x6) (cv x7)) (cfv (cv x1) cmax)wral (λ x8 . wa (wss (cima (cv x8) (cun (cv x6) (crn (cfv (cv x1) cmvh)))) (cv x4)) (∀ x9 x10 . wbr (cv x9) (cv x10) (cv x5)wss (cxp (cfv (cfv (cfv (cv x9) (cfv (cv x1) cmvh)) (cv x8)) (cfv (cv x1) cmvrs)) (cfv (cfv (cfv (cv x10) (cfv (cv x1) cmvh)) (cv x8)) (cfv (cv x1) cmvrs))) (cv x2))wcel (cfv (cv x7) (cv x8)) (cv x4)) (λ x8 . crn (cfv (cv x1) cmsub))))))))wceq cmpps (cmpt (λ x1 . cvv) (λ x1 . coprab (λ x2 x3 x4 . wa (wcel (cotp (cv x2) (cv x3) (cv x4)) (cfv (cv x1) cmpst)) (wcel (cv x4) (co (cv x2) (cv x3) (cfv (cv x1) cmcls))))))wceq cmthm (cmpt (λ x1 . cvv) (λ x1 . cima (ccnv (cfv (cv x1) cmsr)) (cima (cfv (cv x1) cmsr) (cfv (cv x1) cmpps))))wceq cm0s (cmpt (λ x1 . cvv) (λ x1 . cotp c0 c0 (cv x1)))wceq cmsa (cmpt (λ x1 . cvv) (λ x1 . crab (λ x2 . w3a (wcel (cfv (cv x2) cm0s) (cfv (cv x1) cmax)) (wcel (cfv (cv x2) c1st) (cfv (cv x1) cmvt)) (wfun (cres (ccnv (cfv (cv x2) c2nd)) (cfv (cv x1) cmvar)))) (λ x2 . cfv (cv x1) cmex)))wceq cmwgfs (crab (λ x1 . ∀ x2 x3 x4 . wa (wcel (cotp (cv x2) (cv x3) (cv x4)) (cfv (cv x1) cmax)) (wcel (cfv (cv x4) c1st) (cfv (cv x1) cmvt))wrex (λ x5 . wcel (cv x4) (cima (cv x5) (cfv (cv x1) cmsa))) (λ x5 . crn (cfv (cv x1) cmsub))) (λ x1 . cmfs))wceq cmsy (cslot c6)wceq cmtree (cmpt (λ x1 . cvv) (λ x1 . cmpt2 (λ x2 x3 . cpw (cfv (cv x1) cmdv)) (λ x2 x3 . cpw (cfv (cv x1) cmex)) (λ x2 x3 . cint (cab (λ x4 . w3a (wral (λ x5 . wbr (cv x5) (cop (cfv (cv x5) cm0s) c0) (cv x4)) (λ x5 . crn (cfv (cv x1) cmvh))) (wral (λ x5 . wbr (cv x5) (cop (cfv (cotp (cv x2) (cv x3) (cv x5)) (cfv (cv x1) cmsr)) c0) (cv x4)) (λ x5 . cv x3)) (∀ x5 x6 x7 . wcel (cotp (cv x5) (cv x6) (cv x7)) (cfv (cv x1) cmax)wral (λ x8 . (∀ x9 x10 . wbr (cv x9) (cv x10) (cv x5)wss (cxp (cfv (cfv (cfv (cv x9) (cfv (cv x1) cmvh)) (cv x8)) (cfv (cv x1) cmvrs)) (cfv (cfv (cfv (cv x10) (cfv (cv x1) cmvh)) (cv x8)) (cfv (cv x1) cmvrs))) (cv x2))wss (cxp (csn (cfv (cv x7) (cv x8))) (cixp (λ x9 . cun (cv x6) (cima (cfv (cv x1) cmvh) (cuni (cima (cfv (cv x1) cmvrs) (cun (cv x6) (csn (cv x7))))))) (λ x9 . cima (cv x4) (csn (cfv (cv x9) (cv x8)))))) (cv x4)) (λ x8 . crn (cfv (cv x1) cmsub))))))))wceq cmst (cmpt (λ x1 . cvv) (λ x1 . cres (co c0 c0 (cfv (cv x1) cmtree)) (cres (cfv (cv x1) cmex) (cfv (cv x1) cmvt))))wceq cmsax (cmpt (λ x1 . cvv) (λ x1 . cmpt (λ x2 . cfv (cv x1) cmsa) (λ x2 . cima (cfv (cv x1) cmvh) (cfv (cv x2) (cfv (cv x1) cmvrs)))))wceq cmufs (crab (λ x1 . wfun (cfv (cv x1) cmst)) (λ x1 . cmgfs))wceq cmuv (cslot c7)x0)x0
Theorem df_msub : wceq cmsub (cmpt (λ x0 . cvv) (λ x0 . cmpt (λ x1 . co (cfv (cv x0) cmrex) (cfv (cv x0) cmvar) cpm) (λ x1 . cmpt (λ x2 . cfv (cv x0) cmex) (λ x2 . cop (cfv (cv x2) c1st) (cfv (cfv (cv x2) c2nd) (cfv (cv x1) (cfv (cv x0) cmrsub))))))) (proof)
Theorem df_mvh : wceq cmvh (cmpt (λ x0 . cvv) (λ x0 . cmpt (λ x1 . cfv (cv x0) cmvar) (λ x1 . cop (cfv (cv x1) (cfv (cv x0) cmty)) (cs1 (cv x1))))) (proof)
Theorem df_mpst : wceq cmpst (cmpt (λ x0 . cvv) (λ x0 . cxp (cxp (crab (λ x1 . wceq (ccnv (cv x1)) (cv x1)) (λ x1 . cpw (cfv (cv x0) cmdv))) (cin (cpw (cfv (cv x0) cmex)) cfn)) (cfv (cv x0) cmex))) (proof)
Theorem df_msr : wceq cmsr (cmpt (λ x0 . cvv) (λ x0 . cmpt (λ x1 . cfv (cv x0) cmpst) (λ x1 . csb (cfv (cfv (cv x1) c1st) c2nd) (λ x2 . csb (cfv (cv x1) c2nd) (λ x3 . cotp (cin (cfv (cfv (cv x1) c1st) c1st) (csb (cuni (cima (cfv (cv x0) cmvrs) (cun (cv x2) (csn (cv x3))))) (λ x4 . cxp (cv x4) (cv x4)))) (cv x2) (cv x3)))))) (proof)
Theorem df_msta : wceq cmsta (cmpt (λ x0 . cvv) (λ x0 . crn (cfv (cv x0) cmsr))) (proof)
Theorem df_mfs : wceq cmfs (cab (λ x0 . wa (wa (wceq (cin (cfv (cv x0) cmcn) (cfv (cv x0) cmvar)) c0) (wf (cfv (cv x0) cmvar) (cfv (cv x0) cmtc) (cfv (cv x0) cmty))) (wa (wss (cfv (cv x0) cmax) (cfv (cv x0) cmsta)) (wral (λ x1 . wn (wcel (cima (ccnv (cfv (cv x0) cmty)) (csn (cv x1))) cfn)) (λ x1 . cfv (cv x0) cmvt))))) (proof)
Theorem df_mcls : wceq cmcls (cmpt (λ x0 . cvv) (λ x0 . cmpt2 (λ x1 x2 . cpw (cfv (cv x0) cmdv)) (λ x1 x2 . cpw (cfv (cv x0) cmex)) (λ x1 x2 . cint (cab (λ x3 . wa (wss (cun (cv x2) (crn (cfv (cv x0) cmvh))) (cv x3)) (∀ x4 x5 x6 . wcel (cotp (cv x4) (cv x5) (cv x6)) (cfv (cv x0) cmax)wral (λ x7 . wa (wss (cima (cv x7) (cun (cv x5) (crn (cfv (cv x0) cmvh)))) (cv x3)) (∀ x8 x9 . wbr (cv x8) (cv x9) (cv x4)wss (cxp (cfv (cfv (cfv (cv x8) (cfv (cv x0) cmvh)) (cv x7)) (cfv (cv x0) cmvrs)) (cfv (cfv (cfv (cv x9) (cfv (cv x0) cmvh)) (cv x7)) (cfv (cv x0) cmvrs))) (cv x1))wcel (cfv (cv x6) (cv x7)) (cv x3)) (λ x7 . crn (cfv (cv x0) cmsub)))))))) (proof)
Theorem df_mpps : wceq cmpps (cmpt (λ x0 . cvv) (λ x0 . coprab (λ x1 x2 x3 . wa (wcel (cotp (cv x1) (cv x2) (cv x3)) (cfv (cv x0) cmpst)) (wcel (cv x3) (co (cv x1) (cv x2) (cfv (cv x0) cmcls)))))) (proof)
Theorem df_mthm : wceq cmthm (cmpt (λ x0 . cvv) (λ x0 . cima (ccnv (cfv (cv x0) cmsr)) (cima (cfv (cv x0) cmsr) (cfv (cv x0) cmpps)))) (proof)
Theorem df_m0s : wceq cm0s (cmpt (λ x0 . cvv) (λ x0 . cotp c0 c0 (cv x0))) (proof)
Theorem df_msa : wceq cmsa (cmpt (λ x0 . cvv) (λ x0 . crab (λ x1 . w3a (wcel (cfv (cv x1) cm0s) (cfv (cv x0) cmax)) (wcel (cfv (cv x1) c1st) (cfv (cv x0) cmvt)) (wfun (cres (ccnv (cfv (cv x1) c2nd)) (cfv (cv x0) cmvar)))) (λ x1 . cfv (cv x0) cmex))) (proof)
Theorem df_mwgfs : wceq cmwgfs (crab (λ x0 . ∀ x1 x2 x3 . wa (wcel (cotp (cv x1) (cv x2) (cv x3)) (cfv (cv x0) cmax)) (wcel (cfv (cv x3) c1st) (cfv (cv x0) cmvt))wrex (λ x4 . wcel (cv x3) (cima (cv x4) (cfv (cv x0) cmsa))) (λ x4 . crn (cfv (cv x0) cmsub))) (λ x0 . cmfs)) (proof)
Theorem df_msyn : wceq cmsy (cslot c6) (proof)
Theorem df_mtree : wceq cmtree (cmpt (λ x0 . cvv) (λ x0 . cmpt2 (λ x1 x2 . cpw (cfv (cv x0) cmdv)) (λ x1 x2 . cpw (cfv (cv x0) cmex)) (λ x1 x2 . cint (cab (λ x3 . w3a (wral (λ x4 . wbr (cv x4) (cop (cfv (cv x4) cm0s) c0) (cv x3)) (λ x4 . crn (cfv (cv x0) cmvh))) (wral (λ x4 . wbr (cv x4) (cop (cfv (cotp (cv x1) (cv x2) (cv x4)) (cfv (cv x0) cmsr)) c0) (cv x3)) (λ x4 . cv x2)) (∀ x4 x5 x6 . wcel (cotp (cv x4) (cv x5) (cv x6)) (cfv (cv x0) cmax)wral (λ x7 . (∀ x8 x9 . wbr (cv x8) (cv x9) (cv x4)wss (cxp (cfv (cfv (cfv (cv x8) (cfv (cv x0) cmvh)) (cv x7)) (cfv (cv x0) cmvrs)) (cfv (cfv (cfv (cv x9) (cfv (cv x0) cmvh)) (cv x7)) (cfv (cv x0) cmvrs))) (cv x1))wss (cxp (csn (cfv (cv x6) (cv x7))) (cixp (λ x8 . cun (cv x5) (cima (cfv (cv x0) cmvh) (cuni (cima (cfv (cv x0) cmvrs) (cun (cv x5) (csn (cv x6))))))) (λ x8 . cima (cv x3) (csn (cfv (cv x8) (cv x7)))))) (cv x3)) (λ x7 . crn (cfv (cv x0) cmsub)))))))) (proof)
Theorem df_mst : wceq cmst (cmpt (λ x0 . cvv) (λ x0 . cres (co c0 c0 (cfv (cv x0) cmtree)) (cres (cfv (cv x0) cmex) (cfv (cv x0) cmvt)))) (proof)
Theorem df_msax : wceq cmsax (cmpt (λ x0 . cvv) (λ x0 . cmpt (λ x1 . cfv (cv x0) cmsa) (λ x1 . cima (cfv (cv x0) cmvh) (cfv (cv x1) (cfv (cv x0) cmvrs))))) (proof)
Theorem df_mufs : wceq cmufs (crab (λ x0 . wfun (cfv (cv x0) cmst)) (λ x0 . cmgfs)) (proof)
Theorem df_muv : wceq cmuv (cslot c7) (proof)